L'enseignement, Les carrieres et l'avenir Flashcards
Annee Scolaire
the school year
les arts du spectacle
theater arts
le bac (le baccalaureat)
national exam in France at the end of Lycee
une bourse
a scholarship
un conseil
a piece of advice
un cours d’amphi
a course held in a large lecture hall
un domaine
an area of study
une epreuve
a test
la formation
les frais
une lecon particuliere
a private lesson
la licence
diploma awarded in France upon completion of third year university exams
le Master
diploma awarded in France for two years of Study beyond the licence
une matiere
a school subject
une mention
a grade
un resto-U
a university restaurant
une séance
an orientation meeting
une specialite
a major
to improve
assiter a une reunion
to attend a meeting
to cram/study hard