L 73 Toxic Syndromes Flashcards
What is staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
A syndrome of toxin-mediated dermatitis
Superficial blistering and exfoliation
Follows an erythematous rash
The bacteria is often elsewhere in the body and the toxin is carried through the blood to affect the skin
Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome epidemiology
Generally in children
Previous name for Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome and the causative agent
Previously known as Ritter’s disease
Caused by S. aureus
Exotoxins from S aureus
S aureus produces two toxins that affect the skin, botha re Epidermolytic toxins
ET-A: chromosome
ET-B: plasmid
Actions of the epidermolytic toxins from S aureus
Cleaves desmoglein-1 which is a protein of desmosomes that mediates keratinocyte adhesion
Leads to intaepidermal splitting of tissues and necrosis
Forms bullae and can look like a blistering sun burn
Difference between Impetigo and SSSS
The bullae from impetigo are infectious and focal whereas the one from SSSS are systemic and not infectious
SSSS clinical manifestations
Site of infection: Oral/nasal cavities, throat, umbilicus, conjunctiva
Early Stage: Fever, irritability, pururlent rhinorrhea, diffuse blanching erythema
Acute Stage: Rash progresses (scarlatiniform–blistering eruptions), mucous membranes hyperemic, but otherwise not affected, conjunctivitis
Skin looks like tissue paper wrinkling, large flaccid bullae at flexures of body
Nikolsky’s sign= press on skin and epidermis separates
Sheet-like desquamation, moist erythematous base revealed
What frequently follows an SSSS infection for adults?
Bacteremia and pneumonia
SSSS diagnosis
Culture and biopsy needed for definitive diagnosis–try conjunctiva, nasopharynx, feces, pyogenic skin, blood neg for kids might be pos for adults
What other conditions present like SSSS and must be considered?
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Stephen Johnson Syndrome
Both stem from drugs that cause a similar presentation except that they also involve the mucous membranes
SSSS treatment
Find the focus and treat IV antibiotics initially Check for MRSA strains–vancomycin Supportive care with emollients, fluid and electrolyte balance Isolate patient and find the carriers
What is a superantigen?
Instead of activating only the T-cells that are specific to it, the superantigen activates a much larger number of T-cells and causes a cytokine storm for the activated T-cells
Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome STSS epidemiology
S. aureus present in nares, vagina, rectum, and on skin
Became a significant disease when new highly absorbent tampons were marketed that women left in longer and promoted the growth of S aureus that was already present
Also seen in surgical wounds and wounds packed (kind of like a tampon)
Specific reasons why some people were more likely to develop STSS and others were not
Lack antibodies to TSST-1 and fail to develop antibodies in part because of cytokine storm that releases IFN-gamma that inhibits production of antibodies
Toxins involved in STSS
Staph Enterotoxin B & A (SEB, SEA)
Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (GAS TSS) epidemiology
Often assoc. with a break in the skin, an invasive disease
Many necrotizing fasciitis cases develop STSS
All ages, most are not immunosuppressed
Risk Factors: diabetes, alcoholism, minor trauma, muscle injury=>vimentin production attracting bac, surgery, child delivery, viral infections, varicella, NSAID use (affects renal clearance)
GAS TSS causative agents
GAS–Strep pyogenes most frequent
Group B (Strep agalactiae)
GAS TSS virulence factors
GAS: Strep Pyrogenic Exotoxins SpeA, SpeB
All cause massive cytokine release
Streptolysin O–synergist with SpeA for TNF & IL-1 production
M type proteins 1,3,12,28: creates more virulent strain of GAS, antiphagocytic
Mucoid colonies
SSA: streptococcal superantigen
MF: mitogenic factor
Clinical manifestations of Staph TSS
S aureus:
1) Fever>102
2) Rash, diffuse macular erythroderma
3) Desquamation 1-2 weeks after, particularly palms and soles
4) Hypotension: Systolic bp in adults
Staph TSS diagnosis
Labs negative for other pathogens, never actually have to isolate S aureus
5 of 5 clinical manifestations
When to consider GAS TSS
Patient presents from the community in shock
No clear etiology
Clinical manifestations of GAS TSS
1) Isolation of GAS from normally sterile sites (blood, CSF, pleaural/peritoneal fluid, tissues, surgical wounds)
2) Hypotension
3) Multiorgan involvement (2 or more)
Renal: creatinine high
Coagulopathy: thrombocytopenia, DIC
Hepatic dysfunction:
Erythematous macular rash
Soft tissue necrosis (necrotizing fasciitis, myositis, gangrene)
Differences between STSS and GAS TSS
STSS has no soft tissue necrosis, no mention of coagulopathy
GAS TSS diagnosis
Meets criteria, GAS isolated form sterile site
TSS treatment
1) Supportive of hypotension
2) Nidus therapy: remove tampons & anything else from vaginal canal, drain infectious focus
3) IVIG: immunoglobulins, more effective strep vs staph
4) Eradication of carrier state: S aureus, nares and other sites
5) Antibiotic therapy:
Staph: IV clindamycin, vancomycin
MSSA: Clindamycin and Oxacillin or Nafcillin
MRSA: Clindamycin and vancomycin or Linezolid
Strep: Clindamycin and pnicillin