L 4 Flashcards
There are 2 goals announced by the word bank group to develop it’s work worldwide, mention them:
1- to end extreme poverty defined asthe people who live with less than 2,15 dollar per day by 2030.
2- to boost shares prosperity, defines as to grow per capita real income.
The first and the foremost(SDG) in sep 2015 was:
The eradication of the extreme poverty in all its forms
An example of key human attributes?
Health السمات البشريه الرئيسيه
How we can measure the economic poverty?
By considering the person’s economic resources either the income or the consumption or the savings or value of his money
Types of poverty ?/measures of poverty?
1-economic poverty
2-social poverty
3-cultural poverty
4-multi dimensional poverty
The first goal of SDGs requires :
Good understanding and reporting of cultural ,social,economic and nutritional resources and needs in an individual level
Poverty can only be comprehensively assessed by:
Metrics that expand scope beyond purely economic terms
There’s many indispensable tools to attend/ reduce poverty, mention them:
1- multidimensional poverty index
2 - food poverty measures
3- inequality indices
4-fragility and vulnerability measures
Resources poverty may cause to poor families :
1-higher infant mortality
2-higher stunting in children
3-lower educational attend
What is the food poverty?
Lacking the means of afford a food basket of minimum nutrients to live a healthy life
What is the FPL?
Food poverty line ==the minimum income and consumption to afford the basic needs of food to live a healthy life
The monetary value of FPL is based on …
The minimum energy intake for a person daily considering the price of the local available goods FOOD ENERGY INTAKE. (FEI)
What is the global recommendation for the FEI ?
2100kcal per adult daily
FPL considers :
Food essential only
NPL consists…
Food and non food essential such as electricity and clothing ,sanitation ….