Kwak'wala Conversations - Unit 1 - Lesson 4 - Words and Phrases Flashcards
Learn greetings in Kwak'wala
This is…
Who is this?
Ge’a̱m’s Sam gada
This is Sam
Ge’a̱m’s Sally gada
This is Sally
‘Widuxw gayutł?
Where is she from?
(also means “Where is he from?)
Guyutłux̱ lax̱a Kwagu’ł
She is from the Kwagu’ł
(she is in the room with you)
Gayutłi lax̱a Ma’a̱mtagila
He comes from the Ma’a̱mtagila
(he is not in the room)
Gayutłi lax̱a ‘Na̱mg̱is
He comes from the ‘Na̱mg̱is
Gayutłi lax̱a Musg̱amakw Dzawada̱’enux̱w
She comes from the Musg̱amakw Dzawade’nukw
A̱ngwi dłidładłole’sux̱?
Who is her family?
He’mox̱ wiwa’okwida Hunts
He’s from the Hunts
Hedux̱ gayax̱ida Wilsons
He descends from the Wilsons
A̱ngwi umpe’sux̱?
Who is his father?
(also mean “Who is her father?)
A̱ngwi aba̱mpe’sux̱?
Who is her mother?
(also means “Who is his mother?)
He’misux̱ aba̱mpi Sally wa̱łe’
His mother was Sally
(This sentence means that his mother has passed away. It can also mean “Her mother was Sally”)