Kubernetes Flashcards
What is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers.
What are the main features of Kubernetes?
Kubernetes offers features like automated rollouts and rollbacks, service discovery and load balancing, storage orchestration, batch execution, horizontal scaling, and self-healing.
Explain what a Kubernetes Pod is.
A Pod is the smallest deployable unit that can be created and managed in Kubernetes, typically encapsulating one or more containers.
What is a Node in Kubernetes?
A Node is a physical or virtual machine in the Kubernetes cluster where Pods are scheduled to run.
Describe the role of the Kubernetes Control Plane.
The Control Plane is responsible for making global decisions about the cluster, as well as detecting and responding to cluster events.
What are the components of a Kubernetes master node?
The master node contains the kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, etcd, and kube-controller-manager.
What are kubelets?
Kubelets are agents that run on each node in the cluster, ensuring that containers are running in a Pod.
Explain the purpose of kubectl.
kubectl is a command-line tool for interacting with the Kubernetes API Server to create, update, delete, and get resources in a Kubernetes cluster.
What is etcd in Kubernetes?
Etcd is a distributed key-value store used by Kubernetes for all cluster data, providing a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.
Describe the role of the kube-scheduler.
The kube-scheduler assigns new Pods to nodes based on resource availability, constraints, affinity specifications, and other factors.
What is a Kubernetes Deployment?
A Deployment provides declarative updates to Pods and ReplicaSets, allowing for easy updating of applications.
Explain how rolling updates work in Kubernetes.
Rolling updates allow Deployments’ update to take place with zero downtime by incrementally updating Pods instances with new ones.
What is a ReplicaSet in Kubernetes?
A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of Pod replicas are running at any given time.
How do Kubernetes Services work?
Kubernetes Services define a logical set of Pods and a policy to access them, often with a fixed IP address and DNS name.
What are Labels and Selectors in Kubernetes?
Labels are key/value pairs attached to objects, such as Pods, used to identify attributes of objects. Selectors are used to select a group of objects based on their labels.