Krugman Model Flashcards
What do we focus on in the Krugman Model?
Intra-industry trade between similar countries:
Homogeneous firms (‘New trade theory’, Krugman)
Model setup
Economic environment:
Country populated by L households
Increasing returns to scale (IRS) production technology using labor as the only input
Monopolistic competition
Each firm possesses a distinct variety of a good and has a monopoly (e.g., through patent) over its variety (varieties are imperfect substitutes)
In their pricing decision, firms take price-setting by all other firms and all aggregate outcomes as given
Free entry into new varieties
What does sigma determine?
sigma determines how much substitutable the products are, the larger it is the closer we are to perfect substitution
what is the only factor of production?
talk about production in the model
Production involves fixed cost and constant marginal cost, both in terms of labor:
f units of labor needed to set-up the firm / production process
in addition: 1/ units of labor needed per unit of output (→ unit labor requirement)
what is that letter i don’t know?
is the constant productivity of workers (same for all firms ↔ Melitz)
⇒ After covering the fixed cost f, one unit of labor yields units of output
explain the constant markup
page 30
equilibrium under autarky conditions
Two equilibrium conditions: (1) zero profits due to free entry and (2) full employment
Free entry into new varieties
explain equilibrium under autarky
page 31
explain welfare under autarky
page 31
explain free trade between symmetric countries
page 32 - welfare increases with free trade
consumers can also purchase foreign varieties
explain Home Market Effect
With costly trade of the differentiated good, the larger country is a net exporter of the differentiated good:
larger market attracts more firms
with trade costs (and IRS), it matters where production takes place!
what’s different in the 1979 model?
Same setup as Krugman (1980), but elasticity of demand, (q), is decreasing in q i.e., with higher q consumers become less responsive to the price
what happens in the 1979 model?
Welfare rises:
More varieties for consumption (love of variety)
Pro-competitive / efficiency effect (scale economies)
Intuition: More firms ⇒ lower consumption per variety (q ↓)
⇒ lower mark-ups (because demand is more elastic)
⇒ some firms exit (otherwise negative profits if all firms survived)
⇒ more total output per firm (y ↑, via zero-profit condition)
⇒ better use of increasing returns to scale (efficiency gain)
Linder hypotesis
Countries trade more if they have similar demand stuctures because demand also drives domestic industrial development
⇒ with non-homothetic preferences, these are countries with similar incomes
Brander hypotesis
Reciprocal dumping can be yet another reason for trade between perfectly symmetric countries, even without increasing returns and without product differentiation.
Consider two firms that:
are located in different countries (home and foreign)
produce the exact same good with constant returns to scale using only labor and same productivities