krueger 2 Flashcards
neuromuscular junction
- which neurotransmitter involved
used to study chemical transmission
- simple, large and easily accessible synapse
- neurotransmitter here is acetylcholine
what are end plates?
motor neurons that form large presynaptic terminals
what is the EPP (when is it recorded, elicits what?)
EPP= end plate potential
- intracellular recoding in muscle fibre near endplate
- when presynaptic axon is stimulated, an excitatory postsynaptic potential is recorded
- EPP usually elicits action potential in muscle
what are miniature endplate potentials?
- amplitude
mEEPS (Katz and coworkers)
- spontaneous changes in muscle membrane potential occur even in absence of motor nerve stimulation
- smaller then EEP
- amplitude is homogeneous, averaging 0.5 mV
- too big to represent potential change in response to opening of single acetycholine receptor
measuring EPP to prevent muscle contraction from dislodging the microelectrode (what do you need to do-2 possible things to do)
- lower [Ca] in extracellular medium
- partially block postsynaptic Ach receptors with drug curare
- lowering [Ca] reduces neurotransmitter secretion, reducing magnitude of EPP below threshold for postsynaptic action potential
EPPs made up of
- result from..
made up of individual units elicited by exocytosis of a “quantum” of neurotransmitter
- result from spontaneous, action potential-independent release of one quantum of neurotransmitter
electron microscopy of synapses
- EM studies reveal accumulations of small vesicles in presynaptic terminals
- Katz hypothesized, neurotransmitter is stored in these vesicles, one quantum of neurotransmitter corresponds to the amount of transmitter release upon exocytosis on synaptic vesicle
biochemical evidence that transmitter is stored in synaptic vesicle
- SV biochemically isolated from brain tissue by density gradient centrifugation; acetylcholine enriched in synaptic vesicle fractions
ultrastructural evidence that exocytosis of a single SV is responsible for release of one quantum of neurotransmitter
- how to find out that vesicles have to fuse to membrane to release neurotransmitters
- used drug 4-AP(K channel inhibitor) to increase # vesicle in fusion events produced by single AP
- neuromuscular junction was stimulated, frozen and analyzed using FREEZE FRACTURE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
- exocytosis of single synaptic vesicle leads to release of one quantum of neurotransmitter
freeze fracture electron microscopy
- breaking of frozen tissue under high vacuum
- plasma membrane break between lipid layers
- large expanses of presynaptic membrane exposed, facilitating detection of fusion synaptic vesicles
- fusing vesicles appear as pockets in membrane leaflets
what is required to elicit a neurotransmitter release
action potential
squid giant synapse preparation
- allow simultaneous voltage-clamp of the presynaptic terminal and intracellular recording of the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell
- voltage-gated Na channels blocked with tetrodotoxin, neurotransmitter release elicited by injecting current into presynaptic terminal
- depolarizations of 50mV or less – no EPSP
- depolarizations of 70mV or more– maximal EPSP
voltage gated Ca current
- need voltage gated Ca to cause neurotransmitter release
- need Ca influx
- blockade of voltage-dependent Na and K currents with tetrodotoxin and tetraethylammonium (respectively)
evidence that voltage-gated Ca currents are required for neurotransmitter release (4)
1) buffering intracellular Ca with a fast Ca chelator abolishes synaptic transmission
2) injection of Ca into presynaptic terminal leads to postsynaptic potential in absence of presynaptic membrane depolarization
3) increasing extracellular Ca concentration increase the amplitude of postsynaptic currents, whereas decreasing [Ca] abolishes synaptic transmission
4) blockade of voltage-gated Ca channels abolishes synaptic transmission
activation of voltage-dependent Ca channels (when?)
- activate only slowly in response to membrane depolarization
- Ca channels are slow to open, delay of 1-3ms
why presynaptic voltage-gated Ca channels need to be close in proximity to synaptic vesicles
- extracellular [Ca] high, intracellular low
- neurons keep intracellular Ca low, by expressing Ca-binding proteins
- ## Ca sensory responsible for triggering synaptic vesicles fusion has fairly low affinity to Ca – has to be close to an open Ca channel (to elicit release)
2 types of voltage gated Ca channel involved in neurotransmitter release
fast transmitter release
1) P/Q
2) N type
- other involved in slow release of dense-core vesicles= L-type (peptide transmitter)
mutations in P/Q type Ca channels leading to congenital diseases (3)
Familial Hemiplegic Migraine
Ataxia- inability to coordinate voluntary movements, cerebellar/spinal cord defects
absence epilepsy- seizures characterized by unconsciousness, without voluntary muscle contractions
- no disease- causing mutations for N-type Ca channel known
Lambert- Eaton myastenic syndrome (LEMS)
- Ca channels
- complications in patients with certain cancer (especially small-cell lung carcinoma)
- weakness and fatigability of skeletal muscles
- lower density of Ca channels
- autoimmune disease: blood of LEMS contains high concentrations of antibodies to presynaptic Ca channels (bind to channels)
biogenesis of synaptic vesicles containing small molecule neurotransmitters
- synthesis/uptake occur locally within presynaptic terminals
- some neurotransmitters (ex: glutamate) taken up by extracellular space by plasma membrane transporters
- some neurotransmitters, precursors are taken up from extracellular space. enzymes produced in soma, transported to terminal via slow axonal transport, locally synthesize the neurotransmitter from precursor
neurotransmitter loaded into synaptic vesicle by…?
- process
vesicular neurotransmitter transporter
- against concentration gradient
- energy for transport comes from electrochemical gradient across the SV membrane that is created by vesicular proton pump
- pump hydrolyzes ATP to transport H into SV lumen, creating pH and membrane potential
neuropeptides synthesized in…
- made in the ER (synthesized by ribosomes)
- converted into neuropeptides in Golgi
- transported to synapse in peptide-filled vesicle (fast axonal transport along microtubules)
do neuropeptides under re-uptake?
- they are degraded by proteolytic enzymes
evidence for local recycling for synaptic vesicles
- SV fusion adds new membrane to plasma membrane
- plasma membrane surface area usually held constant by compensatory endocytosis
synaptic vesicle cycle
- vesicular membrane is retrieved by clathrin mediated endocytosis (endocytosis is completed 10-20 seconds following exocytosis)
- SV stored in reserve pool within cytoplasm, until need to participate in neurotransmitter release
- SV mobilized from pool, have to dock to the active zone, undergo priming step before becoming fusion-competant
- SV can complete whole endocytosis-exocytosis cycle in approx 1 min
2 different routs for SV exocytosis
1) classical exocytosis
2) kiss-and-run exocytosis
what is classical exocytosis
- full collapse of vesicle membrane into plasma membrane
- clathrin-mediated endocytosis to retrieve SV membranes required 20s
- high frequency stimulation quickly leads to depletion of vesicles at synapses with relatively small SV pools
what is kiss and run exocytosis
- transient fusion pore, vesicle membrane never fully collapses into plasma membrane
- possibly repeated fusions of individual SV with plasma membrane in short time frame
- may allow for sustained release in response to repetitive stimulation
readily releasable pool of SV
- pool of SV immediately available for release
- at CNS synapses, only 2-4% of SV
- readily releasable vesicles may correspond to SV docked to active zone
“reserve pool” of SV
- SV available for exocytosis, not for immediate release
- readily releasable and reserve pool constitute the recycling pool of SV, representing on avg. 20% of all SV
“resting pool” of SV
non recycling SV
- largest pool
Describe how small-molecule neurotransmitters and neuropeptides are synthesized and
packaged into synaptic vesicles.
What happens to these neurotransmitters once they are released?
Small-molecule transmitters (e.g. glutamate, GABA, acetylcholine, monoamines):
- Uptake or synthesis at the synapse, packaging into synaptic vesicles by transporter that utilizes H+ gradient to accumulate neurotransmitter in synaptic vesicle lumen.
- NT undergo re-uptake after release.
Peptide neurotransmitters:
- Synthesis in the soma; processing in ER and Golgi. Fast axonal transport.
- Neuropeptides are degraded following exocytosis
What experimental approach can be utilized to demonstrate that action potential-evoked neurotransmitter release requires calcium influx through voltage-gated calcium channels? (4)
To show that rises in the cytoplasmic calcium concentration required for release, one can record postsynaptic potentials (or currents) from the postsynaptic neuron while
(a) injecting calcium chelators (substances that bind calcium) into the presynaptic terminal to block NT
(b) injecting calcium into presynaptic terminal which elicits neurotransmitter release
(c) changing the concentration of calcium in the extracellular solution, leading to concomitant changes in
the amount of neurotransmitter released
(d) To demonstrate the involvement of voltage-gated calcium channels one can block these channels (with
cadmium or with w-agatoxin and w-conotoxin) which abolishes neurotransmitter release.
Why does 4-aminopyridine, a potassium channel blocker, increase the amount of neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction?
- Voltage-gated potassium channels are required for the repolarization of the plasma membrane.
- A partial inhibition of voltage-gated potassium channels will slow down the depolarization phase and lead to
prolonged opening of presynaptic voltage-gated calcium channels. - This leads to larger increases in the
presynaptic calcium concentration, leading to an increase in neurotransmitter release.
How many acetylcholine molecules elicit a “miniature endplate potential”?
- A miniature endplate potential (mEPP) results from the spontaneous (i.e. action potential independent)
fusion of a synaptic vesicle with the membrane, releasing the entire acetylcholine content of the synaptic vesicle into the synaptic cleft. - The postsynaptic plasma membrane contains a large number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and a large fraction of these receptors will bind acetylcholine and open
in response to the release of one quantum (one synaptic vesicle full of) acetylcholine.
Exactly how many?
— According to estimates of Katz and Miledi, the current passing through a single nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor in response to acetylcholine binding is approximately 0.3 µV. The average mEPP has an amplitude
around 0.5 mV, corresponding to the opening of approximately 2000 receptors.