Korean War: America entering the war Flashcards
To find out how did America enter , why did they enter, why was it a risk and how did the US policy change once they entered the war?
When did the NKPA invade South Korea?
They had crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea on the 25th of June 1950
What did Truman do about this?
He appealed to the UN
When did the UN Resolution take place?
25th of June 1950
What did the UN had to say about the attack?
They viewed this attack as an act of aggression initiated without warning and without provocation
What did the UN do about this?
They passed a resolution requiring NKPA to cease hostilities as soon as possible, and withdraw its forces to the 38th parallel
When did Truman decide on the 25th of JUne 1950?
Ordered US troops occupied in Japan to be drafted to Korea
Why was this a problem for Truman?
It was going to take a long time for US troops to arrive
What was Truman’s response?
HE called on UN to pass a second resolution to provide military support for South Korea in order to push back NKPA to the 38th parallel
When did the second UN Resolution pass?
27th of June 1950
What did it call for ?
It called for the creation of a UN Joint Command Force (UNC) that would fight alongside South Korean troops to remove NKPA from South Korea
What did the UN appoint President Truman to?
executive agent to carry out the UNC’s rules of engagement
What was MacArthur appointed to?
commander in the field
What is the traditional (orthodox) view of why USA entered the Korean War?
- It was a war of Soviet directed communist aggression
- The invasion of South Korea was directed by Stalin
- USSR wanted to distract the USA from interfering in communist Europe by starting a war in Korea
What was Truman’s explanation of why he wanted to enter the war?
He wanted to contain communism in Korea in order to prevent communism from spreading further and potentially creating a third world war
Why was Truman under extreme political pressure?
He was under extreme pressure to be seen to defend the free world against the evils of communism
When was Truman’s ‘Truman Doctrine’ Speech?
March 1947
Why did he receive criticism after this speech?
H had depicted communism as a terrifying evil
When China fell to communism Truman came under intense criticisms that he was too soft on communism
What did this mean for Truman?
He was keen to prove his anti-communist credentials by entering the war in Korea
Who started the Red Scare?
Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy
When did the Red scare/ McCarthysim start?
February 1950
How did this start?
McCarthy declared that there were communists working in Truman’s State Department
What did this mean?
This generated hysterical anti-communism amongst Americans and Truman feared that if he was not seen to oppose communism threat, the Republicans might win a great victory over the Democrats in Congressional elections of November 1950
How many Americans approved aiding South Korea?
Polls showed 75%
What happened early in 1950 in relation to the NSC-68?
Truman commissioned the National Security Council to produce a planning paper (NSC-68) to summarise where the USA stood in relation to the USSR and in which direction it should move.
What did the NSC-68 claim?
- It claimed that the USSR had ‘fanatic faith’ in communism and that its leaders wanted total domination of Europe and Asia
What did the NSC-68 recommend?
- development of an even more powerful hydrogen bomb to resist commmunist attempts at world domination
- build up of American conventional weapons to enable the USA to fight limited wars abroad
- higher taxes to fund the struggle
- mobilisation of public support in favour of US intervention to prevent the march of communism
Why did the USA have fears for Japan?
- It was only 100 miles from South Korea and within the USA’s defensive perimeter
- Viewed as vital to America’s policy of containment in South East Asia
What did the US State Department argue in regard to the safety of Japan?
The safety of Japan would be jeopardised if the communists controlled all of the Korean peninsula
What did communists believe the reasons were for America entering the war?
They believed it was attempt at world domination
Why was entry into Korean War a risk for the USA?
- Could lead to a third world war
- Could lead to a Sino-American conflict
- Hostile Public opinion in the USA
- MacArthur
What did Truman do when he sent US forces to Korea?
He dispatched the US 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Strait between mainland China and Taiwan (where Jiang was now based)
What was the US 7th Fleet?
Navy Ships
Why did Truman send this to Taiwan?
He feared that US security in that area would be threatened if Mao attempted a communist takeover of Taiwan or if Jiang made an aggressive move on China
What was Mao’s view of this ?
He interpreted this as an aggressive US action against China
When did MacArthur visit Jiang?
30 July 1950
Why did he visit Jiang?
He publicly praised him
What did the US think of this?
The US State Department was dismayed by MacArthur’s actions
What did the British think of this?
- They criticised the USA’s deployment of the 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Strait.
- Pointed out such action made it look as though the US intended to do more than simply force the NKPA troops back across the 38th parallel to restore the status quo in Korea
- Suggested that the USA intended to defend Jiang and promote his aggression against Mao and Chian
Who was chosen to command the US/UN/ROK?
Why was MacArthur chosen to command US/UN/ROK forces in Korea?
Because of his military record and success in Japan made him appear the logical choice
What were the problems with MacArthur’s appointment to command the US/UN/ROK forces in Korea?
- His command of the troops would need tact and this was not seen as MacArthur’s strength
- Truman and MacArthur disagreed from the very start on how the Korean War should be undertaken. Truman wanted a limited defensive war in SK to retore the status quo along the 38th parallel and to prevent soviet or Chinese intervention in the war.
Whereas, MacArthur wanted to take the war into NK and then against China to defeat communism