KON 121 Flashcards
clay tiles
435x265 Clay roofing tiles with all bedding mortar to be igmented to match the
colour of the tiles. All butt-joints to be solid bedded
38x50mm SA Pine batten @340mm cts. according to SABS 563. Batten joints
must meet halfway across the top face of the rafter
micron plastic
250 micron plastic underlay nailed to the rafterns with non-corrodible clout nails
galvanised steel gangnail
web member
38mm SA Pine web member according to SABS 563
28x114 SA Pine rafter according to SABS 563
100mm diameter galvanised steel downpipes
150mm diameter galvanised steel gutter to fall 1:50 resting
on galvaised steel brackets screwed to facia @60mmcts.
38x228mm painted SA Pine facia nailed to
38x38 SA Pine piece nailed to side of rafter
tilting batten
38x76 SA Pine tilting batten
hoopiron strap
32x1.6mm galvanised steel
hoopiron strap nailed to wallplace
SA Pine trusses to be
installed @760mmcts
tie beam
38x114mm SA Pine tie beam according to SABS 563
ceiling board
6.4mm plastered gypsum ceiling board nailed @ 400mm cts to brandering
38x50mm SA Pine brandering @400mm cts according to SABS 563