Kohlberg's Theory, Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, Skinner's Operant Conditioning Learning Theory, General knowledge Flashcards
Good Boy, Nice Girl - Children want approval from others.
Kohlberg’s Theory
Instrumental Orientation - What’s in it for me?
Kohlberg’s Theory - Preconventional
Obedience and Punishment Orientation - Focuses on child’s desire to obey rules.
Kohlberg’s Theory -
Law and Order - Blindly excepts rules.
Kohlberg’s Theory -
Social Contract Orientation - The world is viewed as holding different opinions, rights, and values.
Kohlberg’s Theory -
Post Conventional
Universal Ethical Principal Orientation - moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning.
Kohlberg’s Theory -
Post Conventional
Naturalistic - The ability to understand animals, plants and other living things.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences -
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences- Linguistic
The ability to speak and write well.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences- Logical/Mathematical
The ability to use logic and math skills
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences - Spacial
The ability to think and reason about objects in 3-D
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences - Musical
The ability to preform and enjoy music.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences - Kinesthetic
The ability to move the body in sports and dance.
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory - Positive Reinforcement
Rewards for children to learn a language
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory - Negative Reinforcement
Removal of reward for children.
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory -
To decrease behavior
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory - Generalization
The ability to learn behavior in one situation and present it in another.