Knowlegde Check 4 Flashcards
What type of joint is the hip joint?
Hip/Coxal/Acetabulofemoral joint (Ball & Socket)
What are the movements of the hip joint?
Flexion/extension, Abduction/adduction, Internal (medial)/external (lateral) rotation, Circumduction
What are the muscle subgroups that act on the hip joint?
Iliopsoas group, Gluteal group, Lateral rotators group, Quadriceps femoris group, Sartorius, Tensor fascia latae and iliotibial tract, Hamstring group, Adductor group
What type of joint is the knee joint?
Knee/Tibiofemoral joint (Modified Hinge or Ellipsoid/Condylar)
What are the movements of the knee joint?
Flexion/extension, Internal (medial)/external (lateral) rotation
What are the muscle subgroups that act on the knee joint?
Quadriceps femoris group, Sartorius, Hamstring group, Gracilis, Iliotibial tract, Gastrocnemius, Popliteus
What is included in this week’s lab?
What is the overview topic of the muscles discussed?
Overview of Lower Extremity Muscles - Leg & Foot
What is a compartment in the context of the lower extremity?
A well-defined region that contains a grouping of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels within a particular segment of the body. The compartments are separated by fascia.
What are the different lower extremity compartment areas?
Gluteal, Thigh, Leg.
What are the three distinct fascial compartments of the gluteal compartment?
- Gluteus medius & minimus
- Gluteus maximus
What nerves are associated with the Gluteus Medius and Minimus compartment?
Superior Gluteal n. and Inferior Gluteal n.
What is the Tensor Fascia Lata compartment?
It is part of the Gluteus Maximus Compartment.
What are the outer limits of the anterior thigh compartment?
Fascia Lata
How is the anterior thigh compartment divided internally?
By lateral, posterior, and medial intermuscular septa.
What are the three distinct compartments of the thigh?
- Medial 2. Anterior 3. Posterior
What is the iliotibial band associated with?
The lateral compartment
What borders the medial compartment of the thigh?
Medial & posterior intermuscular septa
What muscles are included in the adductor group of the medial compartment?
Adductor magnus, Adductor longus, Adductor brevis, Pectineus, Gracilis
Which nerves innervate the adductor group of muscles?
Obturator nerve (and Sciatic nerve for Adductor magnus), Femoral nerve for Pectineus
What is the primary action of the medial compartment muscles?
Hip adduction (and flexion/internal rotation)
What are the components of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis, Sartorius, Vastus intermedius
What are the components of the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
What major blood vessels are found in the adductor canal?
Femoral artery and vein
What is the great saphenous vein associated with?
The medial compartment
What are the borders of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Bordered by medial & lateral intermuscular septa.
What structures are contained in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Contains the iliotibial band and anterior thigh muscles.
Which nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral nerve.
What muscles make up the quadriceps femoris group?
Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Vastus intermedius.
What is the action of the anterior compartment muscles?
Knee extension and hip flexion.
What are the borders of the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Bordered by posterior and lateral intermuscular septa.
What structures are contained in the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Contains the hamstring group of muscles.
Which nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Sciatic nerve.
What muscles are included in the hamstring group?
Biceps femoris (long & short head), Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus.
What is the action of the posterior compartment muscles?
Knee flexion and hip extension.
What is the role of the medial intermuscular septum?
Separates the anterior compartment from the posterior compartment.
What is the role of the lateral intermuscular septum?
Separates the anterior compartment from the lateral compartment.
What are the four distinct compartments of the leg?
- Anterior
- Lateral
- Posterior Superficial
- Posterior Deep
What borders the anterior compartment?
Bordered by anterior intermuscular septum and interosseous membrane
What does the anterior compartment contain?
Anterior tibial artery and vein, anterior leg muscles, and deep fibular nerve
What muscles are found in the anterior compartment?
Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, and extensor hallucis longus
What is the primary action of the anterior compartment muscles?
Ankle dorsiflexion and toe extension
What are the key structures in the lateral compartment?
Fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
What arteries and veins are associated with the lateral compartment?
Posterior fibular artery and lateral fibular veins
What muscles are found in the posterior compartment?
Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, soleus, plantaris tendon, and gastrocnemius
What arteries are associated with the posterior compartment?
Posterior tibial artery
What is the role of the deep fibular nerve?
Innervates the anterior compartment muscles
What is the outer limit of the anterior compartment?
Crural fascia
What is the significance of the interosseous membrane?
Divides the anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments
What is the function of the great saphenous vein?
Drains blood from the superficial structures of the leg
What is the role of the sural nerve?
Provides cutaneous sensation to the posterior leg
What borders the Lateral Compartment?
Bordered by anterior & posterior intermuscular septa.
What muscles are contained in the Lateral Compartment?
Lateral leg muscles - Superficial fibular nerve: Fibularis (peroneal) brevis and Fibularis (peroneal) longus.
What are the actions of the Lateral Compartment muscles?
Foot eversion and ankle plantarflexion.
What borders the Posterior Superficial Compartment?
Bordered by transverse & posterior intermuscular septa.
What muscles are contained in the Posterior Superficial Compartment?
Posterior leg muscles (superficial & middle) - Tibial nerve: Gastrocnemius, Plantaris, and Soleus.
What is the action of the Posterior Superficial Compartment muscles?
Ankle plantarflexion.
What borders the Posterior Deep Compartment?
Bordered by transverse intermuscular septa & interosseous membrane.
What muscles are contained in the Posterior Deep Compartment?
Posterior leg muscles (Deep) - Tibial nerve: Tibialis posterior, Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor hallucis longus, and Popliteus.
What are the main muscles of the leg?
Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis anterior, Extensor hallucis longus, Extensor digitorum longus, Fibularis longus, Fibularis brevis, Flexor hallucis longus, Tibialis posterior, Flexor digitorum longus
Includes muscles involved in leg movement.
What is the fibula?
A long, thin bone located on the lateral side of the tibia in the leg.
What is the tibia?
The larger and stronger of the two bones in the lower leg, located medially.
What is the interosseous membrane?
A fibrous sheet that connects the fibula and tibia.
What is compartment syndrome?
A condition resulting from trauma or injury that causes bleeding or swelling in a limb compartment.
What causes elevated pressure in compartment syndrome?
Fascia is non-extensible, leading to increased pressure within the compartment.
What are the potential consequences of compartment syndrome?
Compression of vessels, nerves, and muscles, which can lead to potential damage.
What is acute compartment syndrome?
Caused by traumatic injury, such as a motor vehicle accident, leading to excessive bleeding.
It is a medical emergency to avoid permanent disability.
What is the treatment for acute compartment syndrome?
Surgical intervention within 2-4 hours.
What is chronic (exertional) compartment syndrome?
Occurs upon exertion or physical activity, such as running, leading to swelling in a compartment.
What is the treatment for chronic compartment syndrome?
Rest and physical therapy.
What are the two groups of muscles acting on the foot?
Extrinsic muscles and intrinsic muscles.
Where do extrinsic muscles arise from?
They arise from the anterior, lateral, and posterior compartments of the leg.
What are the main actions of extrinsic muscles?
They are mainly responsible for plantarflexion/dorsiflexion of the ankle and eversion/inversion of the foot.
Where do intrinsic muscles arise from?
They arise from within the foot.
What are the main responsibilities of intrinsic muscles?
They are mainly responsible for fine motor actions of the foot.
How are intrinsic muscles divided by location?
They are divided into two groups: dorsum aspect (two muscles) and sole of the foot (ten muscles in four layers).
What is the reference for frontal (coronal) plane movements in the foot?
They are in reference to the axis of the 2nd toe.
What movements are associated with the 2nd toe?
Abduction and adduction away or towards the 2nd toe.
What types of joints are involved in the foot?
Intertarsal/Tarsometatarsal (plane/gliding), Metatarsalphalangeal (condylar), and Proximal/Distal Interphalangeal (hinge).
What are the movements associated with the different joint types in the foot?
Plane: glide; Condylar: Flex/Ext & Abd/Add; Hinge: Flex/Ext.
What are the muscle subgroups in the foot?
Dorsum of the foot and sole of the foot.
What muscles are found in the anterior aspect of the foot?
Dorsum of the foot group includes Extensor Hallucis Brevis and Extensor Digitorum Brevis.
(pp. 387-391)
What muscles are part of the superficial layer of the sole of the foot?
The superficial layer includes Abductor Digiti Minimi, Flexor Digitorum Brevis, and Abductor Hallucis.
(pp. 387-389)
What muscles are found in the intermediate layer of the sole of the foot?
The intermediate layer includes Lumbricals of the foot and Quadratus Plantae.
(p. 391)
What are the muscles in the deep layer of the sole of the foot?
Flexor Hallucis Brevis, Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis, Adductor Hallucis
(p. 390)
What are the muscles in the deepest layer of the sole of the foot?
Plantar Interossei, Dorsal Interossei
(p. 391)
What is the first muscle in the deepest layer of the sole of the foot?
Dorsal Interossei
What is the second muscle in the deepest layer of the sole of the foot?
Plantar Interossei