Knowledge tests Flashcards
When there is an attempt by the people of a country to overturn their ruler
Who was elegible to vote in Britain in the 1780s?
People who owned land worth over 40 shillings/year
How did Pitt become Prime Minister in 1783?
He was appointed by the King
Hovering Act (1787)
What did it do
Allowed the Government to search vessels up to 7 miles off the British coast
How much did Pitt reduce the national debt by between 1783-93
£10 Million
French revolution
Which year did this take place?
France decleares war on Britian
Which year did this take place?
The combination of one or more plots of farming land to create a field
Name a key development in Agriculture between 1783-1812
-Advances in machenery
-Crop rotation
Watt and Boulton
What invention are these people associated with
Steam engene
John Winkinson
Who was this person
A factory owner
What was different about New Lanark mills?
The (positive) way that they treated their workers
Corrisponding societies
Prodominatly working class political societies set up to encorage political discussion
What widely adpoted system of poor releif was introduced in the 1790s?
Speenhamland system
Approximately, what percentage of the workforce in factories were children?
India Act (1784)
What did it do
Establish dual control of India with the British Government and the East India Company
What was the Civil List?
The money recivied by the Moarch from Government
When did the French Revolution start?
5th May 1789
Who was the leader of the United Irishmen?
Wolfe Tone
Irish rebellion
Which year was this?
Who was King of England between 1760 and 1820?
KIng George III
Constitutional monarchy
A democracy that elects a parliament but power officially sits with the monarch
‘The right to give privilages or to make appointments including rewards, honours and pensions’
Which keyword is this the definition of?
‘The belief that a monarch rules by authority of God, not through the consent of the people’
Which keyword is this the definition of?
Devine right
The monarch is financially dependent on…
the governement
What effect did the Glorious revolutuon have on the relationship between parliament and the monarh?
Bill of rights created
(Parliament limited the monarchs power)
Why did MP’s tend to be from the Landed Gentry in the 1780s?
There was no pay
Give an example on why the electoral process in Britain was corrupt/undemocratic?
.Boroughs were small and in insignificant areas
.Votes were public
Pocket borough
Define this keyterm
Boroughs contolled by someone such as a local buisiness worker who ‘had the voters in his pocket’ due to thier dependednce on him
Give an example of a rotten borough
What were the major poliitical parties in the 18th century?
Tories and Whigs
How often were general elections in the 1780s?
Every 7 years
What impact did the loss of the American colonies have on Britain?
A decreased repulation/pride
Rotten Boroughs
A insignificant borough in which you can become an MP by buying the land and then voting for yourself
How did Pitt enter politics?
Via a rotten borough
What was Pitt and George III’s relationship like?
What was the Mince pie administration?
A term used by the Whigs to describe Pitt’s early administration, which they did not believe would last past Christmas
Who had the majority in the 1784 general election?
What was the main difference between the Whig’s and Tories ideologically?
Whigs were more open to change than Tories
Why was the sinking fund one of Pitt’s greatest financial sucsesses?
It lowered national debt by £10 Million
Rights of Man 1791
Who wrote this?
Thomass Paine
Give an example of patronage used by George III
Made Pitt Prime Minister
What was Pitt’s initial reaction to the French revolution?
Not overley concerned
What impact did the suspension of Habeas Corpus in 1794 have?
It allowed the authorities to arrest someone for an unlimited amount of time without naming a reason
Reflections on the Revolution in France 1790
Who wrote this?
Edmund Burke
What acts did Pitt pass to attack corrisponding societies preventing political meetings?
Combination acts 1799/1800
When was the act of union?
What was the impact of the act of union on Irish representation in parlimament?
Many Irish boroughs were disenfranchised
Why did Pitt resign in 1801?
His promise of Catholic Emancipication was rejected by the King
Who became prince regent in 1811?
George III
When did George III’s son become prince regent?
When did George III die?
What was the impact of the act of union?
Irish UK formal union
Brought Britain and Ireland together causing the Irish Parliament to be abolished and merged with the British parliament
Name the treaty that halted the war with France in 1802
Treaty of Amines
When did Lord Liverpool become PM?
What party did Lord Liverpool lead?
Corn Law 1815
What were the terms?
Price limit to be on a sliding scale
bigger harvest=higher tarrifs
Game laws
When were these introduced
What was the Peterloo Massacare?
Peaceful protest in Manchester which turned violent after Governement forces were release on protesters
Which year was the Peterloo Massacre?
Which legislation was passed by Lord Liverpool as a result of the Peterloo Massacre?
Six acts
What was the Cato street conspiracy?
A plan to kill the entire Tory cabinet
What year was the Cato street conspiracy?
What was the Political register also known as?
‘Two penny trash’
Which radical leader published the Political register?
William Cobbitt
What year was the Queen Caroline Affair?
What was the Queen Caroline Affair?
Wanted status after King had banished her
came with list of demands
When did Lord Liverpool repeal income tax?