Knowledge test on 03/05/23 Flashcards
(Keywords pg 295) Anti-Semitism
Prejudice against Jews.
High-speed motorways built by the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s to create jobs.
German design movement incorporating sleek lines and modern materials.
Beauty of Labour
Nazi movement to improve conditions for industrial workers and try to win their support.
Head of the government.
Communist (Bolshevik)
Political, economic and social system involving state control of economy and less emphasis on individual rights and capitalism.
Concentration camps
Camps used by Nazis to hold political opponents in Germany.
A deal between the state and the Catholic Church.
Compulsory service to the armed forces.
Making a position more secure, usually when a political party has just taken power.
A system of government.
Dawes Plan
Financial aid package provided by the USA to Germany in 1924.
Political system in which the population votes for its government in elections held on a regular basis.
Term used in Germany to describe the Treaty of Versailles because Germany had no say in the terms of the Treaty.
Edelweiss Pirates
Youth groups in Germany who opposed the Nazis, especially in the war years.
Enabling Act
Law passed in 1933 which gave the government powers to arrest opponents.
Final Solution
Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews and other races in Europe. Generally thought to have begun in 1942.
Ex-soldiers in Germany after WW1.
Leader (German)
Secret police in Nazi Germany.
Gleichschaltung (co-ordination)
Process of making sure that all organisations were controlled by Nazis.
Hitler Youth
Youth organisation in Nazi Germany designed to prepare young people for war and make them loyal Nazis.
The mass murder of Jews and other racial groups by the Nazis in WW2.
Process of money becoming worthless, most notable instance was in Germany in 1923.
Ruler of Germany.
Night of Broken Glass - attack on Jewish properties across Germany in November 1938.
League of German Maidens
Organisation in Nazi Germany for girls designed to get girls to embrace Nazi beliefs and values.
Mein Kampf
‘My Struggle’: the autobiography of Adolf Hitler in which he set out his theories about power and racial superiority.
Munich Putsch
Attempted revolt by Hitler and Nazis in 1923, aiming to overthrow the government.
National Community (Volksgemeinschaft)
Key idea of Nazis in Germany in the 1930s - they wanted people to become part of and promote a ‘National Community.’
National Socialism, the political belief of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party based on aggressive expansion of German lands and the superiority of the Aryan race.
Negative cohesion
Term coined by historian Gordon Craig to describe the way different groups in Germany supported the Nazis because they feared the opponents of the Nazis (particularly the Communists).
Night of the Long Knives
Attack on Ernst Röhm and other leading figures in the SA in June 1934.
Nuremberg Laws
Series of laws passed in Germany in 1935 discriminating against Jews and other racial groups in Germany.
Nuremberg rally
Huge political meeting held every June from 1923 to 1938.
Method of winning over a population to a particular idea or set of beliefs. Also used in wartime to raise morale.
Building up arms and armed forces, used as a means to fight unemployment by many states in the 1930s, including Nazi Germany and Britain.
German parliament.
Compensation to be paid by Germany to France, Belgium, Britain and other states as a result of WW1.
System of government which doesn’t have a monarch.
Main industrial area of Germany.
The Brownshirts - Stormtroopers of the Nazi Party.
Communists in Germany in 1919 who wanted a revolution in Germany similar to the 1917 revolution in Russia.
Organisation within the Nazi Party which began as Hitler’s bodyguard but expanded to become a state within a state.
Strength through Joy
Leisure programme run by the Nazis in Germany to improve the lives of ordinary people.
Complete control.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that officially ended war between Allies and Germany in 1919. Controversial because of the terms, which Germany claimed to be excessively harsh.
People (German)
Small town in Germany, home of the German government in the 1920s.