Knowledge test Flashcards
What new industries did Germany develop under Kaiserreich?
new industries such as advanced machine tool, chemicals and electricity were main features of the new industrial revolution
How much did electrical output increase each year between 1890 and 1913?
13% each year
How much electricity did Germany produce under Kaiserreich compared to other countries?
20% more than GB, France and Italy
How much did construction workers increase under kaisrreich??
1 million more
How much did German exports increase to between 1890-1914 and how did this compare to other countries
£365million, but didnt compare to GB and France
What limited the impressive growth of the Kaiserreich??
- Short term depression between 1873-90
- the railway grew 6x between 1840-1870, facilitating the increase in industry etc
What was the size of the war debts from war bonds in germany after WW1?
140 billion marks
What areas of land did Germany lost after WW1?
What was the value of reparations in marks and £ from treaty of versailles?
2million DM
£6.6million from 1921
why were loan debts so big after WW1?
Only 16% of war paid for by taxes
How did GNP change in the late 1920s and when did they reach pre war levels?
Improved significantly between 1925-29 and reached pre war levels in 1927
What else improved the impressive nature of German growth in the 1920s?
Schact and streisemann fixed the hyperinflation problems with the new currency
What limited the impressive nature of 1920s growth?
Dawes plan provided 100billion marks of aid
What problems did the Nazis have to overcome in early 1930s?
- 3 major banks collapsed
- 1bn marks withdrawn from Germany
- 40% unemployment
- 64% unemployment in ship building
What was unemployment levels in 1935 and 1938??
25,000 out of 35 million unemployed males in 1935 ‘0 unemployment’ by 1938
What aspects of the Nazi regime helped employment by 1935?
The RAD and benefits of KDF holidays
How much of expenditure was spent on the army in Nazi Germany?
What limited the impressive nature of the Nazis growth??
- it was heavily reliant on the war effort and commercial and consumer good sectors disappeared
- it was the war which propped the Nazis up as the rate at which they took other countries land and resources exceeded the rate at which they used resources in the early part of the war
What was the economic state after the war called In west germany?
The economic miracle
How was German industry changed after WW2?
They made a drive away from the heavy industry and to more service based and technological advanced industries such as electrics and engineering
Who revitalised German industry after WW2 and what did it result in for economic growth?
- Erhard
- GNP tripled in the 1950s
- economy grew 12% in 5 years and by 1963 Germany was a world leader
What infamous firms did W Germany benefit from ??
Siemens, BMW and Mercedes
What number of the working population were immigrant labour in W germany
3.6 million
What limited the impressive nature of W Germany’s growth?
$1.3billion worth of Marshall aid to revitalise the economy
-some saw it as Germany just re-securing their position as a world super power
What did Bismarck do (government role) to help their growth?
Protectionist policies for agriculture and metal industries, protecting the wealth of the Junkers and land owners through tariffs
What was developed under the Kaiserreich which indirectly helped the economy and provided jobs?
the building of a large navy which grew to 36 ships after 1900, challenging that of GB
How had the size of the Navy changed by 1914?
They had doubled their navy
What limited the effectiveness of government policies in the Kaiserreich?
- It was their protectionist policies which led to the lack of cheap Russian imports during the war and so they didnt have the resources to instigate total war
- it encouraged social divides as food prices rose and wealth was disproportionately went to the upper classes
What government methods were used to help German economy during Weimar and what positive effects did it have on the economy?
- Schact and Stresemann introduced a new currency to stabilise hyperinflation after
- reached pre war production levels in 1927 and GNP grew significantly 1925-29
What government intervention/ lack of intervention made things worse in Germany during weimar/ wartime?
- 130,000 million marks in war bonds as they only paid for 16% of the war in taxes as to not upset the upper classes
- this allowed sharks of the industry to make huge profits whilst civilian population struggled
- fertilisers and fuels diverted towards war effort ie 35% o pigs killed to save grain
- they caused hyperinflation themselves through printing more money to pay for the war
- they had outside help in the form of the Dawes plan which paid for 100billion RM worth of reparations and costs
What were created in Nazi Germany by the government to help pay for the war and how much of the war did they pay for?
Mefo bills- fake currency to be exchanged for real currency only in Germany, giving the government more finance to buy war materials; financed 50% of arms expenditure between 1934-36
What government intervention was used by the Nazis to help the economy?
- RAD provided jobs in industries like road building (Similar to new deal in USA)
- 5 billion Marks invested into industries and schemes like the RAD
What was Schact involved in from 1934 and what did it do? (government intervention)
-Schact’s ‘new plan’ from 1934 regulate imports by signing a series of trade agreements to ensure a constant supply of raw materials, as they geared towards rearmament, as well as making these developing countries dependent on German industry and trade
What was created by the government to stabilise banks during Nazi Germany (govt intervention)
-the supervisory office for banking stabilised the financial situation
What limited the success of the government in helping Germany during Nazi germany
-It was the involvement in the war which was propping up the German economy by the 1940s, not the work of the government in building a strong prosperous country
-the rate at which they took resources from other countries exceeded the rate which they used their own
How much of the workforce were migrants by 1944 and how did it limit the success of the government intervention?
20%. of workers, they didnt want to support the war effort and the government didnt have enough workers to replace them
When did W Germany join the EEC, what was it and how did it help (government intervention)
European economic community encouraged free trade between members countries, removing trade barriers and allowing Germany access to cheaper imports to rebuild
-Germany established itself as the leader of the EEC very quickly
When did W Germany join the European steel and coal community and what did it do? (government intervention)
1951, combined the heavy industry sectors of countries like France and Italy and Belgium to form one common market
-led to the EEC
What was the CAP and how successful was Germany in it (government intervention)
- The common agricultural policy
- Germany was so efficient at producing that they spent 30% of their expenditure on subsidising the food of other countries
- Germany farmers were guaranteed a high price so they overproduced, with exports of sugar increasing to 19% of the EEC
What was the main objectives of the CAP?
-ensure free circulation of food stuffs, ensure common prices and maintain stable exchange rates
Why could the CAP be seen as good and bad for Germany?(government intervention)
- Despite Germany declining agricultural sector, those that remained sold their goods for high prices and remained more competitive than the USA due to free trade
- However EEC food prices were at times 2-5x higher than world food prices, which was bad for German people, especially as Germany were subsidising the food of other countries
What limited the effectiveness of government intervention in west germany/ undermined it?
- -the effect of marshall aid can not be understated in Germans short economic miracle up until the mid 1960s; It paid for 37% of Germanys imports as well as modernising railway, electrical and steel industries
- W Germany received $1.3 billion in the 40s and 50s and has been regarded as the kick start that Germany needed to re-establish its position as a European leader after the war
how much of Germans imports were paid for by marshall aid and what did this show about government success??
37%, they were clearly heavily reliant on the aid and the government, whilst they made the right decision joining the EEC, were not solely responsible for Germany re-establishing itself as a world super power
What% of German imports came from and exports went to EEC members?
47% came in
45% went out
What was the political benefit of the ECSC
resources pooled around Europe and not being a source of discontent and war
Why was parts of weimar good for farmers?
The hyperinflation allowed farmers to pay off their farm mortgages
Why was weimar not good for farmers/ agriculture
- falling food prices saw agriculture go into recession as goods were so cheap
- rural germany did not feel the benefits of the golden yeas of weimar
What were wheat prices in 1931 compared to 1920s prices
1/3 of the price
How were taxes on agriculture different under Weimar?
4x more than they were under the Kaiser
How much did rural debt and bankruptcy increase in the late 1920s?
How much did agricultural income fall between 1928-32?
Who did the farmers increasingly turn to for political support and why
The current weimar government was doing nothing to help farmers and increasing taxes and reducing employment opportunities as they were more focused on urban workers, so they turned to the Nazis who appeared to be driving towards rural utopia
How many people left rural areas to work in cities between 1931-38?
1 million
How much did non agricultural work increase compare to agricultural work from 1950-70?
increased 9 million workers compared to a fall of 1.6million in farming