knowledge test Flashcards
what ways was nationalism promoted in germany?
- Primary, secondary, uni level education taught nationalism and encouraged loyalties to the Kaiser, through teaching in German language and Sedentag day; military parade celebrating victory over France.
What did Bismarck do in 1878 to stop socialism and what resulted?
used two assassination attempts on the king to pass anti socialist laws and imprisoned 1500 socialists
How did promoting nationalism fail to reduce divisions??
Too much emphasis on militancy and aggression rather than co operation between different political groups, banning the socialists saw him try to reduce the number of political opponents but caused long term divisions
How did the socialists react to their banning?
Became an underground movement with over a million members by 1890
What prompted the creation of the kulturkampf??
Papal infallibility in 1870 reinforced teachings of the Catholic Church and threatened nationalism
What did the Kulturkampf introduce??
- exiled 1800 priests
- seized 16 million marks of church land
- withdrew priest funding
why did religious oppression fail to reduce divisions??
- fuelled further hatred between political parties
- the Z party grew 10% following the kulturkampf
Who opposed the kulturkampf??
The kaiser, left wing liberals and Junkers
What were Bismarcks concerns about the z party and non German speaking catholics?
Z party were growing in power as these non German catholics were siding with the Z party; he opposed them because they sided with Austria against prussia in the 1866 war
What aspects of German nationalism weren’t present until 1890??
Flag and national anthem
What did Bismarck do in the late 1870s to further ‘reduce’ divisions??
expelled poles and jews
What was the name of the threat that Bismarck often referred too and who was he talking about??
Threat of the reichsfeinde (enemies of the empire- which were French and catholic people)
How representative of the people was the reichstag and how much power did it have?
- elected by male suffrage of men over 25 every 5 years
- had control over the budget
- could agree or reject laws proposed by the government
FALSE ILLUSION OF DEMOCRACY- they couldn’t initiate legislation that would benefit the men who voted for them, anything they did pass could be vetoed by the Bundesrat
How much power did the Bundesrat have and how many members from Prussia, Bavaria and smaller states??
- They had extensive powers but usually just rubber stamped chancellor policies
- they could veto legislation with 14 votes
- prussia had 17 members so could veto anything that wouldnt benefit them
- Bavaria had 6 members and smaller states had one each
Who controlled the army and where was it drawn from??
kaiser had control of the army and it was drawn from prussia, wurtemberg, Saxony and Bavaria
How much of germany was catholic??
What economic reforms did Bismarck introduce and what evidence is there for its long term success??
- Pro tarriff agenda to protect domestic business(favoured by farmers)
- standardised measures currencies and laws to increase state integration
- freedom of trade introduced and reichsmark currency introduced
success shown by the economic boom in 1890s
What are the 4 factors for Bismarck reducing divisions question?
- promoting nationalism
- religious oppression
- politics (reichstag/ Bundesrat)
- state integration/ economics
What effect did the kulturkampf have on catholics in society??
-protestants 50% more likely than catholics to find jobs and go to university, especially in the civil services
What was the name given to the German identity??
By how many votes did the national liberals and SADP votes fall after Bismarcks anti socialist laws were rejected??
NL- 130,000
SAPD- 181,000
What did Bismarck do for the army which annoyed the reichstag??
Automatic expenditure for over 400,000 troops in the army, reichstags limited power included control over the budget, which angered them
how long were people conscripted for into the army and how did it help reduce divisions?
Soldiers from across germany were drafted to Prussia for 3 years at a time, reduced state loyalties and taught them prussian nationalism
What political freedoms did members of the reichstag enjoy?
Parliamentary immunity
In what ways was the reichstag somewhat democratic?
- elected by men over 25
- control of the budget
- new constitution had a large array of laws that needed passing, so they couldnt just dissolve the reichstag every time it disagreed]
- political parties grew with popular appeal eg z party and SAPD
In what ways were the lander parliament somewhat democratic??
- Bigger states had more members in the Bundsrat to ensure some level of proportional representation
- within their states, elected members had control of taxes, education etc
- also electorate voted, increasing democracy
What powers did the Kaiser have which increased its dominance??
- control over the army
- could dissolve the reichstag
- appointed and dismissed the government
How was the reichstag undemocratic??
- Bundesrat could veto their legislation
- they couldnt initiate their own legislation
- supposed to have control over the budget but automatic funding for army of over 400,000 people
How much of state expenditure was spent on the army??
How was the lander parliaments undemocratic??
- Prussia had 17 seats in the Bundesrat whilst only 14 votes were needed to veto legislation, therefore they could pass laws which benefited their upper class land owning backgrounds
- all other states had enough power altogether to veto prussian legislation eg Bavaria had 6 seats of their own, but due to Bismarcks prussian background and the dominance of the kaiser they were very much scared to do so
How much were upper class votes worth compared to lower class votes??
Upper class votes worth 3x more than lower class votes
Who had all the actual political power in Germany?
Prussian Junkers; the system favoured them massively and ensured a prussian favoured government was always set up
What 4 factors are there for who was the biggest threat to German unity??
- socialists
- catholicism
- failure of nationalism
- dominance of the kaiser
How much of the vote did the z party have in 1874??
Why was the impact of socialists on disunity massively limited compared to catholicism??
They were only formed in 1874 and attracted 7% of the vote so can’t have contributed as much to disunity as the catholics of which 1/3 of germany was catholic
How did the failure of nationalism encourage disunity??
North south divide- the north celebrated sedentag day and had close ties to prussia whilst the south weren’t involved in the war and felt that there was too much emphasis on military values and aggression rather than national pride
How did the political system contribute to threats to unity”??
divide between the upper class Prussians and the rest of the country- prussia had all the power in the bundesrat whilst the reichstag had comparatively very little. -it gave the false illusion of democracy and meant that when people realised the limits to their representation they began to resent Bismarck/ Prussia
What prompted the war in sight crisis/ worried Bismarck??
- New aggressive royalist government in France which mightve prompted catholic opposition to Germany
- The French army organisation law in 1873 which increased French battalions from 3 to 4, and so they had 800,000
Who was the German military leader and what did he consider doing?
Von Moltke, considered a preventative war to attack France before they attacked germany
What did the two newspapers publish and when??
5th April 1875- Kölnische Zeitung encouraged by Bismarck suggested that French and Austrian catholics were siding together against Germany
9th April- Berliner post spread ideas that Germany were considering preventative war against France, with the headline ‘is war in sight’
What was Europes response to the papers??
widespread shock and worry about potential for another war.
A German diplomat in Russia told the French ambassador that a war was being considered
what did gorchakov do in response to the war in sight crisis?
Gorchakov announced he felt that peace was assured after visiting Germany with the Tsar and British support. Bismarck was annoyed that his plans for a potential war were easily undermined by foreign leaders and he was excluded from talks about German foreign policy.
How did Bismarck change his foreign policy approach in the future(after war in sight)
Was careful about the political ideas he spread in the press, stopped attacking the church. There was increased unease among European leaders.
When was the SAPD formed and what did this say about their potential opposition?
1875- they can’t have been as much of a threat as Bismarck suggested as they were limited to just 7% of the vote and had not been around long
What law increased the French battalions from 3 to 4 and when, providing how many troops?
French army organisation law in 1873, 800,000 troops
What ideas did NL and Bismarck share initially?
- Opposition to catholics/ Z party
- protectionist policies
- pro-unity
Why were some left wing NL unhappy with Bismarck and led to the split?
He refused to extend parliamentary power
Why did Bismarck feel he needed tariffs?
To protects industries like metal works and agriculture during the depression
What examples of democracy was there in the Reichstag?
The Reichstag was elected by men over 25 who voted for their parties, and the Reichstag did have some important powers;
- they could veto legislation from the Bundestag and due had control over the budget.
- The Kaiser could dissolve them but the fact so many laws needed to be passed in the new reunified Germany meant they were rarely dissolved and adds to the fact that they weren’t completely undermine;
- they also enjoyed parliamentary immunity
what examples of a lack of democracy were there in the reichstag
- however, in reality the Reichstag gave an illusion of democracy because the Reichstag did little more than rubber-stamped the policies of the Bundestag.
- They couldn’t initiate legislation so parties that grew with popular support couldn’t introduce laws to help their voters.
- Furthermore the control over the budget was undermined due to the emphasis on the army, with armies of over 400,000 getting automatic expenditure, and the military budget being set for 7 years at a time
- Reichstag members were not paid, making it difficult for the lower classes to run for election
How was the leadership of Germany undemocratic?
The Kaiser of Prussia could appoint and dismiss the Chancellor who was not an elected person and therefore undermined democracy in the country
- the Kaiser had control over the army and 80% of state expenditure went towards it, and the army was drawn from 4 states to serve under the King
- The Kaiser controlled all foreign policy and this was not delegated to anyone else, so he effectively had complete control in war-time situations
- the Kaiser had emergency powers, allowing him to introduce laws which over-ruled state laws, suggesting a very authoritarian government in Germany and limiting the extent of democracy
- Bismarck could ignore the demands of the Reichstag and even considered changing the constitution in 1880 to curtail any growing power of the Reichstag
examples of democracy in the Bundesrat/ lander parliaments
- Each parliament was elected and had their own individual control over education, taxes and education etc
- the big 4 southern states were given a range of benefits by Bismarck to encourage them to join the northern confederation, such as exemption from taxes on alcohol
- The bundesrat was made up of representatives from each state, with proportional numbers per state being seated in the Bundesrat, which meant it should’ve achieved a good level of democracy because these members could initiate legislation to benefit their constituent
Examples of lack of democracy in Bundesrat/ lander parliaments?
- however in reality democracy here did not exceed the small numbers of powers that each state parliament had over their own affairs; Prussia dominated the Bundesrat with 17 seats, whilst only 14 votes were needed to veto legislation; along with the fact that upper class votes for the Lander parliaments were worth 3 times as much as lower class votes, it meant a Prussian favoured government was almost always set up, massively reducing the amount of democracy to be enjoyed in Germany
- other states like Bavaria had 6 seats but scared to challenge control of Prussia
What did Bismarck work with the national liberals to introduce
-free trade legislation-
-freedom of movement restrictions removed
-standard legal system introduced
-weights measures and currencies standardised across the country
When did Bismarck split the national liberals and why?
-1879- more conservative members voted with Bismarck due to pro-tariff ideas but left wing members formed the liberal union
What two parties did the NL split into in 1880?
Left wing- liberal union
-right wing= national liberal party
How did Bismarck try and promote nationalism among non Germans?
- Enforced German speaking over Poles and French
- exiled poles and jews in late 1870s
What did the anti-socialist laws in 1878 do?
- Prohibited socialist meetings,
- allowed police to randomly search, arrest and exile politicians
Why did Bismarck introduce the Kulturkampf?
- Curtail the growing influence of the church and Z party
- syllabus of errors in 1864 and papal infallibility
- they sided with Austria against Prussia in the Austro-Prussian war
- they were deemed to be part of the Reichsfeinde instead of the Reichsdeutsche homogenous identity favoured by Bismarck