Knowledge questions Flashcards
What are the three main functions of education according to Talcott Parsons?
What is the difference between setting and streaming?
Who argued that working class parents have lower aspirations for their children?
In what three ways does Giroux criticised the Marxist approach to education?
What is another name for neo-liberal perspective on education?
What are the three main characteristics of an anti-school subculture?
What are the two main external factors which lead to difference in educational achievement according to class?
Who is associated with the principal of the correspondence principal?
What are the 5 male subcultures according to Mac an Ghaill?
Which government policy introduced the national curriculum?
What are the two main internal factors influencing subject choice?
Which perspective suggests that the government should make more opportunities for society to be more equal and meritocratic?
What was the purpose of the New Labour Policy –New Deal for Young People?
What are the four internal factors which affect differential educational achievement?
Which report felt that socio-economic factors were the main factors in underachievement in Afro-Caribbean Pupils?
What phrase does Althusser use to describe institution such as education?
Who argues that education doesn’t sift and sort but rather leads to cultural reproduction?
Who suggests that
there needs to be
greater focus on vocational education so that students are more prepared
for the world of work?