knowledge organiser 3 Flashcards
what were jesuits?
catholic priests who were specially trained to convert people back to catholicism
When did jesuits began to arrive in England?
where did jesuits train?
in special seminaries in catholic countries like France, Spain and Italy
why did jesuits come to England?
to convert people back to catholicism
who was the leader of the jesuits in England?
Edmund Campion
how many jesuits were hidden?
Campion and 100 others were hidden by wealthy catholics
where were the priests hidden?
in secret priest holes
what did Francis Walsingham develop?
effective spy network
who was Francis Walsingham?
a privy councillor
how many agents did Walsingham have tracking jesuits and catholic plotters?
hundreds of agents
what did Walsingham employ?
priest hunters to catch catholic priests
what happened in 1581 to Campion?
he was captured by Walsingham’s agents and hanged, drawn, and quartered
who was Mary Queen of Scots?
she was Elizabeth’s cousin
what had Mary been forced to do?
flee from protestant rebellion in Scotland
when was she in prison in England?
since 1568
why was Marys presence in England a serious threat to Elizabeth?
Mary had a strong claim to the throne of England, Mary was Henry VIII’s great-niece and Elizabeths cousin, many people believed Marys claim was more legitimate than Elizabeth’s, unlike Elizabeth Mary had a son and an heir: James
whats another reason why Mary was a threat?
catholic rebellion
Mary was a figurehead for catholic rebellion, until Elizabeth had an heir Mary was next in line for the throne, this encouraged catholics to rebel against Elizabeth or plot to assassinate her
another reason Mary was a threat?
foreign supporters
Mary had powerful foreign supporters, Philip of Spain, the French, and the Pope plotted with the English catholics to put Mary on the throne
what did Elizabeth’s privy council urge to do to Mary?
to execute her, but Elizabeth refused
why did Elizabeth refuse to execute Mary/
- She is her cousin 2. Elizabeth did not want to execute a fellow queen
what did the catholic plots attempt to do?
to replace Elizabeth with Mary Queen of Scots
what is the 1583 Throckmorton plot?
a young catholic noble Throckmorton plotted with the French to invade England and put Mary on the throne, was also supported by Philip of Spain and the Pope, Walsingham’s spies uncovered the plot and Throckmorton was tortured and executed, Elizabeth refused to execute Mary
what was the 1586 Babington plot?
a young catholic noble, Babington plotted with Philip of Spain and the French to invade England and put Mary on the throne, Babington communicated with Mary by hiding coded letters in beer barrels that went into Marys prison, Walsingham discovered the system but waited till he had proof Mary was involved
what was the 1587 execution of Mary Queen of Scots?
Cecil and Walsingham manipulated Elizabeth into signing Marys death warrant, Mary was beheaded, Elizabeth was furious and refused to talk to Cecil for a year
what happened in 1580s
anglo spanish war
an Anglo-Spanish war broke out leading to the launch of the Spanish Armada in 1588
what are the causes of the rivalry with Spain?
- Elizabeth refused to marry Philip of Spain at the start of her reign 2. English privateers such as Francis Drake stole gold from Spanish treasure ships. Elizabeth knighted Drake 3. Philip supported catholic plots against Elizabeth 4. in 1585 Elizabeth agreed to send 7,000 soldiers to Netherlands to support protestant rebels fighting against Philip’s army 5. the execution of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587 angered Philip
how many ships were in the Armada?
a fleet of 130 ships
what did the armada plan?
to sail to Netherlands to pick up 20,000 Spanish soldiers before invading England and reintroducing catholicism only 80 ships made it back to Spain the armada never landed in England
why did the armada fail?
- Spanish mistake leader of the armada Duke of Medina Sidonia had no experience of sailing and got sea sick , the Spanish army was a week late leaving the armada vulnerable to attack 2. English strengths English used fireships to break the Armadas crescent formation, English ships were smaller and more manoeuvrable than the Spanish 3. the weather armada was driven north by a storm and forced to return to Spain via Scotland and Ireland over 40 ships were shipwrecked off Scotland and Ireland Philips sent 2 more armadas to England in the 1590s but they were both shipwrecked by a storm