Knowledge Of God's Existence Flashcards
The 2 ways we can know God
- Natural theology
- Special revelation
The 2 ways we can know God through natural theology (general revelation)
- innate sense of God (a priori)
- creation (a posteriori)
The 2 ways we can know God through special revelation
- Through faith and grace
- Jesus
Who believed we have knowledge of God through creation
- Aquinas and Paley because of the cosmological and teleological arguments
What did John Hick and Peter Vardy believe
- God can’t fully reveal himself through Natural theology because it would eliminate our free will because we would have to worship him (king and pauper girl) because he is omnipotent
- needs to be an epistemic distance so we have free will
Who would criticise knowing God through natural theology
- David Hume
- Richard Dawkins=science
- J.S Mill=nature is red in tooth and claw
- J.L Mackie and Epicurus=the problem of evil
John Calvin partially agrees with general revelation
- God is the divine creator so must be revealed in the world
- It cannot reveal meaningful things about God because of the damage done by the fall
John Calvin and his innate sense of God
- ‘Sensus divinitas’ (sense of God we have within us)
- Semen religionis (seed of religion)
Can be seen through
Who is against Calvin and his innate sense of God
- Freud=he is just looking for a father figure to make us feel good
- Dawkins=God is just a meme passed down to help society run smoothly (survival instinct)
- Hume=There are patterns in society so we have learnt this idea, we assume patterns so assume there is an innate sense of God (statistical conjunction)
John Calvin’s analogies
- Creation is God’s mirror=It seems reasonable that a work of art reflects something of it’s creator
- the world is a theatre of Gods action=God is known through his actions through the things he does
Calvin’s mirror strengths and weaknesses
- William Paley=watch
- Irenaeus=grow to be like God
- Rowe=evidential problem of evil
- Dawkins=evolution and digger wasps
Calvin’s theatre strengths and weaknesses
- conversion and corporate experiences
- Schleiermacher and self authenticating
- Otto and C.S Lewis
- William James
- Swinburne=testimony and credulity
- Bertrand Russell=fasting
- Hobbs=dreaming
- Hume
- Freud
- Dawkins
- Hawkins
- Flu=leaky buckets
John Calvin and the importance of the fall (how it damaged our ability to know God through natural theology
- Suffering enters the world. The world is no longer as God had planned it. It no longer reflects the omnipotence and omnibenevolenve of God
- Human nature is damaged. Natural theology is done using reason, we can still do it but there are likely to be errors in our judgement
Aquinas and his innate sense of God
- eternal law=what goes on it God’s mind (laws that govern creation and the reflections in nature)
- Divine law=the word of God (what God reveals to us through the bible and Jesus
- Natural law=innate sense of good (reason and human nature)
- Human law=our laws (the way we apply God’s laws and thoughts
- But because of the fall we need special revelation to reveal God
Calvin-faith and God’s grace
- Duplex cognito domini=the 2 ways we can know God
- the creator
- the redeemer
- “if Adam had remained upright (si integer stetisset Adam)”
- “in this ruin of mankind no one now experiences God either as father or as author of salvation…until Christ the mediator comes forward to reconcile him to us”
Jesus is the salvation
- Conscience is our God given faculty as creatures made in the image of God
- Part of our moral choice making process which responds to God’s will of what is right and wrong
- Joint knowledge between ourselves and God (it is God’s presence which gives us our sense of moral judgement
Bonaventura- natural and revealed theology
- eye of flesh (empiricism)
- eye of reason (rational and philosophical truths)
- eye of contemplation (goes beyond empiricism and rationality=thinking deeply)
- We have these eyes and to understand God we would use these things properly
- if you are not seeing God then you aren’t using your eyes correctly
Polkinghorne- binocular vision
- he sees science through one ‘eye’ and understands spiritual truths by looking through the other ‘eye’
- foolish for some religious people to ignore scientific discoveries but equally foolish for scientists to refuse to engage with the possibility of God
How is knowledge of God revealed through faith
- Calvin and Aquinas believe it is a gift from God in the sense of election and predestination
Can the existence of God be known through reason alone???
- Richard Dawkins
- faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence
- lack of evidence
Knowledge of God through Jesus
- Jesus is the messiah
- “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one gets to the father except through me”