Knowledge of God's Existence Flashcards


“Asses whether revealed knowledge of God’s existence is the only valid type” essay


A: Brunner - natural theology, sparks of nature. Calvin sensus divinitatus inspired by Cicero. Natural theology gives us the ability to begin the conversation. Revelation for full knowledge
CA: Barth - fallen - cannot use our reason as we are corrupted. Only things we can know is what God chooses to reveal to us. no points of contact
E: influenced too heavily by Nazism, Brunner - imago dei, formal still exists

A: Aquinas & Paley teleological arguments. There is a designer
CA: natural theology is the same as revealed. Cannot know natural without revealed. Proving God exists is recognising an already revealed truth
E: Natural links more closely to bible. Paul - “his external power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”

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Natural vs Revealed theology


Natural theology:
- suggests that humans can know God through rational methods
- natural theology relies on us knowing a point of contact
- Scholars: Brunner, Calvin (maybe), Cicero

Revealed theology:
- God has deliberately chose to give some knowledge to people
- Many of the core teachings in Christianity have come from revealed knowledge
- Humans are fallen creatures and therefore need God’s intervention to gain full knowledge
- Scholars: Barth (only revealed)

Scholars that believe in both natural and revealed revelation:
- Brunner
- The Catholic Church (see catechism)
- Calvin (debated)
- Aquinas - “but there are some truths which the natural reason is able to reach. Such are the truth that God exists” - can gain lesser knowledge of God e.g. teleological & ontological arguments, N.L

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“True knowledge of God is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.” essay


Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God to the world. Calvin - Jesus is the ultimate mediator. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
A: Calvin: also natural theology as we have the sensus divinitatus, inspired by Cicero. While revealed is important, natural gives us the ability to start the conversation.
CA: Barth & Augustine: too corrupted by the Fall. The only point of contact for true knowledge is in the person on Jesus Christ.
E: Too heavily influenced by Nazism. Brunner: our formal still exists as we were made in imago dei. Perhaps true knowledge is a combination of both and we may be putting too much emphasis on faith

A: Calvin: creation is a mirror of God’s creation. “principle of accommodation” , despite being beyond knowledge, God communicates to humans in a way they can understand. Paley’s watch, Aquinas (regularity and purpose) purpose of nature to lead to them towards the existence of God. So Jesus not only true source of knowledge.
CA: Barth - natural theology not valid we would be able to know God’s existence through our own efforts. This would make revelation unnecessary. Yet God still sent his revelation through Jesus Christ. Therefore N.T cannot be valid.
E: The knowledge we can gain from natural theology is not the same as revealed theology and therefore cannot not replace or undermine it. If reason only has this goal of supporting faith, then it cannot make revealed theology unnecessary.

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“Humans have innate knowledge of God” essay


A: Humans do have an innate knowledge of God. Calvin: duplex Cognitio Domini - redeemer (faith, R.T), creator ( reason, NT). Need both for a fuller knowledge. Sensus divinitatus - inspired by Cicero “universal consent argument” . Creates the human inclination to pray and look for something spiritual in life. - St. Paul, the unknown God.
CA: A result of culture and society. More atheist now as a society. A sense of wonder and awe is just the product of emotions.
E: Calvin: epistemically distance, placed by God. God will judge them who pretend they don’t see. Often people who don’t practice religion practice spirituality.

A: Tennant: we appreciate the beauty of nature. Innate sense of aesthetics that do not come from evolution. We also have an innate sense of.
CA: Christian scholars such as Barth would argue that we don’t have an innate sense as we are corrupt from the Fall. God by definition is ineffable. Can only rely on revelation of Jesus (the greatest revelation)
E: Brunner: we are still fallen at a spiritual level. At the formal we are still intact. We are still able to to gave a relationship with God. Less points of contact, but we are still able to see glimpses.

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