Knowledge Exam Flashcards
Ch.1 What are non-verbal cues?
Facial expressions, gestures, body posture, vocal tones and so on.
Ch.1 What is psychological noise?
In the heads of all participants in a communication environment.
Ch.1 What is physiological noise?
Biological factors that interfere with communication, such as illness and exhaustion.
Ch.1 What is Equivocal language?
Words signs and phrases that can be interpreted in more than one way in order to mislead someone.
Ch.1 What is Euphemistic language?
A manner in which we replace blunt phrases to descriptive ones.
Ch.1 What does intimate register consist of?
Turn-taking: Interruption is common
Sentence structure: Incomplete
Vocabulary: Some lexicon has personal meanings.
Volume/Speed: Small, truncated; sometimes words/signs are not required.
Topics Allowed: Personal
Ch.1 What does frozen register consist of?
Turn-taking: None
Sentence structure: Complex; sometimes archaic
Vocabulary: Formal and/ or archaic
Volume/Speed: Large; slower than normal speed
Topics Allowed: Limited
Ch.1 What does formal register consist of?
Turn-taking: Limited/Controlled Sentence structure: Complex; compounds Vocabulary: Formal Volume/Speed: Large; slower than normal speed Topics Allowed: Impersonal
Ch.1 What does consultative register consist of?
Turn-taking: Restrained but active Sentence structure: Fully formed Vocabulary: Technical jargon Volume/Speed: Conversational speed and signing space Topics Allowed: Professional
Ch.1 What does casual register consist of?
Turn-taking: Fluid; interruptions allowed
Sentence structure: fragments; some run-ons
Vocabulary: Informal
Volume/Speed: Relaxed signing space; faster than conversational
Topics Allowed: Personal
Ch.2 What is a collectivist mindset?
“it takes a village to raise a child” Sevety percent of worldd cultures fit into this category, including American Indiginous cultures.
Ch.2 What is a individualistic mindset?
“American cut-throat culture” American cultures fits within this category
Ch.2 What does culture entail?
Family and palce in it Gender Social Experiences Economic status Educational Experiences Physical, mental,emotional and s[piritual development Temporment or personality type
Ch.2 How does cultural undestnading aid in our field?
Provides a frame or schema for living within a specifeid group of people; cultures vary in a number of ways (degree or interdependace and independance, gender roles, etc.)
Ch.2 What is the significance of a interrpeter?
Interpretors are professional communciators, mediating interactions between peopel of differnet language and culture groups.
Ch.2 What cultural perspecitve is prominent here in the US?
White Male Anglo-saxons
Ch.2 What is the cultural lense we should work in an assignement?
“It depends”
Ch.2 What is status?
The persons idenitity where they have a role within a group.
Role Delineation
It. is the responsibility of both interpreters to prepare for the interpreting assignment
Ch.3 What is the importance of idenity and labeling?
You hold power to repsect and acknowledge soemoens idenitiy that can be a dep root of who they are.
Ch.3 What is the hearign view of Deaf/deaf/ HoH ommunities?
Hearing impared, a level of hearign loss,
Ch.3 What are reciprical signals?
Ex: ASL is an interactive language, requireing frequent feedback from hte participants ina conversation.
Ch.4 What are forms of dynamic commucnation used by the Deaf Community?
ASL, SEE, PSE, Rochester Method, other sign languages.
Ch.4 What is one misconception people have seen in ASL?
ASL has been historically been mislabelled as “poor English’ or “slang” and has beeen devalued by the education system.
Ch.4 Ch.4 What are all languages comprised of?
All languages are made up of arbitrary symbols put together according to syntactic, phonological, semantic and pragmatic rules.
Ch.4 What is Seeing Essential English? (SEE1)
A form of communication by signing in English structure. An experiment that began in 1966 by David Anthony to teach English to Deaf adults in Michigan.
Ch.4 What is the Rochester Method?
A form of combination in only fingerspelling each word but with the exception of signing “and”.
Ch.4 What is Signing Exact English (SEE2)?
Signing English in the consistency of how English is spoken/written.
Ch.6 What is horizontal Hostility/Violence?
frustration at the disenfranchisement resulting in violence and hostility that members of an pressed group take out on one another
Ch.6 What does the phrase “ Benefactors are perfect” really mean?
Mistaking privilege for perfection
Ch.4 What is Sign Supported Speech (SSS)
Sign-supported speech (SSS) involves voicing everything as in spoken English, while simultaneously signing a form of MCE. The vocabulary, syntax and pragmatics of English are used, with the MCE signing serving as a support for the reception of speech.
Ch.4 What are the derogatory descriptions of Deaf?
(MLC) Minimal Language Competency
(MSL) Minimal Language Skill
(HVO) High Visual Orientation
Ch.4 What is the difference between deaf and Deaf?
Deaf comes from a cultural identity viewpoint
deaf come from a medical viewpoint of deafness.
Ch.4 What is Speech-reading
A skill from Deaf/HoH folx to comprehend spoken communication. It involves a combination of deciphering lip, cheek, and throat movements, clarifying gestures and use of contextual clues to determine meaning.
Ch.5 What are the features that help form and organize our schema?
Physical Roles Interactions Psychological Membership
Ch.5 What is “Physical” in the terms of the features of schema?
Classifying individuals based on their appearance, gender, physique, age, etc.
Ch.5 What is “Roles” in the terms of the features of schema?
We have certain expectations of others based on their social position (Neighbor, doctor, student, etc.)
Ch.5 What is “Interactions” in the terms of the features of schema?
The way people behave in social situations (aloof., friendly, judgmental, etc.) influences our sense of who. they are and what we might expect of. them.
Ch.5 What is “Psychological” in the terms of the features of schema?
We group individuals based on our personal psychological assessments. of them (curious, nervous, insecure, etc.)
Ch.5 What is “Membership” in the terms of the features of schema?
We also categorize others according to their group affiliation (refugee, Baptist, member of the school Board, female, etc.)
Ch.5 What are the 5 features that help form and organize our schema?
Physical Roles Interactions Psychological Membership
Ch.5 What is institutionalized oppression?
Menas that the dominant group devalues a marginalized person. sense of personal growth, abilities, intelligence and right to be different and affirm ed in that difference. Having no power in an institution.
Ch.5 How does Audsim affect Deaf people?
The effects of being marginalized are subtle, extremely potent, and long-lasting. As an interpreter, it is important that you consider the oppressive impacts of audism on the lives of Deaf individuals.
Ch.5 What is ambivalence?
Ambivalence is the term used minority groups believe the myth was stated and or given such as an exonym.
Ch.5 What is fatilsm or passivity?
passively taking, whatever happens, sensing that you can do nothing to change things
Ch.6 When was ASL considered a legitimate language?
Late 20th Century
Ch.6 What happened in 1988?
Deaf folx actively protested to have a Deaf president at Gallaudet University.
Ch.6 What tools do Deaf folx use to fight oppression?
Ch.6 What are the tools used for interpreters while working with Def people?
Understanding Deaf culture and knowledge to not get triggered by Deaf jokes.
Ch.6 What type fo trauma do interpreters need to be aware of?
Vicarious trauma- trauma that results from observing another person’s traumatic experience. In this case, it refers to interpreters who witness so much oppression or abuse that they feel like they themselves have been the victim.
Ch.6 How do you become an Advocate?
One who speaks out issues on behalf of others
Ch.6 What role as a hearing individual can we be labelled in the Deaf community?
What is an Anglophone?
a person who uses English based communication, as compared to french based communication, (common term in Canada for English speaking people)
What is Audism?
an attitude based on pathological thinking that results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear; like racism or sexism, audism judges, labels, and limits individuals on the basis of whether a person hears or speaks
What is the Bi-Bi Bilingual Bicultural Philosophy of Interpretation?
A philosophy of interpreting based on the belief that effected interpretation requires cultural and linguistic meditation in order to accomplish to accomplish speaker goals and maintain dynamic equivalence; based on the recognition of deaf people as members of an oppressed minority; accepts ASL as a language and deaf culture as that which encompasses the norms, values, and traditions of this community of people
What is (COI) Certificate of Interpretation
the professional certificate awarded by AVLIC to individuals who successfully complete both knowledge and skills assessment in effect so long as the member adheres to the AVLIC COE and maintains an annual active membership with fees paid in full
What is a CDI?
a deaf interpreter who has taken and passed the RID certification
What are classifiers?
a specific set of signs that serve several functions in ASL; some are iconic which (look somewhat like the object they represent) others are arbitrary (there are no obvious reason for that sign or handshape to be used as a classifiers for the noun it represents);
What are clients/ consumers?
a term used to refer to those for whom sign language interpreters work; includes both deaf and hearing
What is Cloze?
the ability to mentally fill in the blanks when part of an utterance is obscured or when the receiver does not understand a term or phrase
What are the codes of ethics?
set of guidelines that require an individual to develop effective decision-making skills, a clear sense of their own beliefs and values, understand how society defines right/wrong, good/bad, and have the ability to apply all of this to spur of the moment, professional interactions;
What is Code-switching?
Conscious or Unconscious movement from ASL to English Sign or English Sign to ASL, this often occurs due to the experience of oppression to deaf people in Canada and the US
What is Communication Facilitation Philosophy?
Communication Dynamics
The way people in a communication interaction react to or engage with one another and to the overall interaction
Communication Facilitation Philosophy
a set of beliefs regarding deaf individuals ASL, and communication dynamics that influences the way a person views their role and work as an interpreter; includes a belief of deaf people as handicapped; ASL as a means of communicating with less-educated individuals, sensitivity to environmental factors that influence communication
What is the Conduit or Machine Philosophy?
a set of beliefs regarding deaf individuals, ASL, and communication dynamics that influences the way a person views their role and work as an interpreter; includes a belief of deaf people as handicapped and needing to learn to take care of themselves; Word-For-Sign equivalance between signs and spoken english; and the interpreter as having no responsibility for the interaction or communication dynamics taking place
What is the Conference of Interpreter Trainee (CIT)?
an american orginazation of educators who teach interpretation; membership is international
What is Confidentiality?
the agreement that information that takes place in a professional relationship is not to be shared with others outside of the specific setting and relationship
What is the medical term to be born deaf or hard of hearing?
Congenital Deafness
consecutive interpretation
the process of interpreting into the target language after the speaker completes one or more ideas in the source language and pauses while the interpreter transmits that information
Contact Varieties
a mixture of 2 langauges resulting from prolonged langauges contact between members of different linguistic communities - includes code switching, code mixing, and lexical borrowing; sometimes referred to as Pidgin Signed English
cultural and linguistic mediation
interpreting in such a way that information has equivilent meaning and impact for individuals with different languages in cultural schema; requires an interpreter to make cultural and linguistic expansions and reductions.
Cultural Expansion
providing the contextual information required to make sense out of something that is signed or said to someone without the requisite schema or experiential frame; done within the form of the interpretation
Cultural Reduction
reducing the volume and sometimes the detail of information within the information without effecting the meaning intended; done to meet the communication and cultural norms of a target language
Dependence on the “Benefactor”
the phenomena of minority group members being dependant upon members of the power group for certain things they perceive they are unable to do for themselves. Discourse style the way a language requires the information be presented in a monologue or dialogue.
Dynamic Equivalence
an interpreted event, maintaining the “chemistry” between a speaker and their audience that allows a connection to be made and the speaker’s goals to be accomplished
Ethical Behavior
making choices and acting in a way that respects others; grows out of a strong moral sense, requires the ability to think critically and the courage to choose to do the right thing
an attitude that ones own race or culture is superior to other cultures
Euphemistic Language
the use of socially acceptable terms and phrases in place of blunt, descriptive words/phrases (ex: powder room)
Fatalism or Passivity
the tendency of members of an oppressed group to feel powerless to change or strike back at “the system”; a “go with the flow” and “don’t rock the boat” attitude
Frozen Form
information or texts that are “fixed”- written, video taped, and audio taped. They never change their form. (example: Star Spangled Banner, The Lords Prayer)
Helper Philosophical Frame
Views deaf people as handicapped, limited, unable to fully manage their personal and financial needs, believes that deaf people are mentally, emotionally, or experimentally incapable of fully undestanding the world around them
High Visual Orientation (HVO)
a term used to refer to individuals who have no language skills in ASL, LSQ, English, French, or any other language resulting from a developmental disability or because of educational or social deprivation; alt terms minimul language skills or competency
the time used by the interpreter to analyze a source language utterance and to make cultural and linguistic adjustments before producing in the target language
Linguistic and Cultural Expansions/Reductions
Minipulating the target language so it contains all of the essential elements of meaning expressed in the source language as to fit the target language of communication norms
Linguistic Expansion
Stating implied or “understood” information or ideas present in the source language overtly in the interpretation when this informaiton is required of the communication norms of the interpretation
Linguistic Fluency
being able to manipulate a language with the fines of the native or near native user of the language this inlcudes being able to properly shift registers, to discuss a variety of technical and non technical topics, and to “play” with the language (play on words, or play on signs)
Linguistic Reduction
reducing the volume and detail of information present in the source language without effecting the meaning intended; done due to the linguistic norms and expectations in the target language
Mentoring (Twinning)
an arrangement in which a more experienced interpreter “adopts” a less experienced interpreter showing her the ropes, introducing her the deaf community, and serving as a sounding board to review and evaluate the less-experienced interpreters professional behavior, decision-making, and quality of interpretation or transiliteration
the channel through which a message is expressed, specifically spoken (aural-oral) or signed (visual-gestural)
Non-Manual Signals
a set of facial-physical markers (behaviors that accompany signs in ASL) conveys linguistic gramatical and effective information; signs absent the non-manual signals result in non-linguistic and non sensical utterances
Oral Deaf People
Deaf people who do not used ASL, prefer to use speech, and speech-reading primary form of communication
Oral Transliteration
Making spoken English visible for an Oral deaf individual requires repeting in what is being said without using speech selecting words that are most easily speech-readible and sometimes using a gesture for clarification
Oral Transliterator
one who listens to a spoken englsih message then who clearly changes into readible form for a deaf consumerr who uses speech and speech reading as form of communication
Paralinguistic Elements
Elememnts that accompany and add meaning to the expression including gestures, tone of voice/size of signs, visual/vocal affect, etc.
Passive Voice
a type of sentence construction in which the actor performing the action indicating by the verb isnt overtly identified
Paternalism (possessive consciousness)
a caretaker attitude by members of the dominant group toward minority group based on the assumption that they are unable to make appropriate decisions and need to be taken care of
Pidgin Sign Language (PSE)
Physiological Noise
Biological factors that interfere with communication; (ex: illness, exhaustion, or hunger)
Pidgin Sign Language
older (an incorrect) term used to refer to contact varieties or blended forms of English often used when deaf and hearing people attempt to communicate
Pragmatic Use of Language (Pragmatic Rules)
the way a language is actually used rather than language function; helps us make sense of the language we encounter in our interactions with others and determine the meaning of the utterance within the context
Processing Time
the time used by the interpreter to analyze the source language utterance and to make cultural and linguistic adjustments before producing an equivalent message in the target language
Professional Competence
having the knowledge and skills base, as well as ethical judgement of the task of the professional in a given field
the rhythm of a language including stress, intonation, pausing, and phrasing that help listeners determine meanign and predict what the speaker will say next
Reciprocal Signals
certain eye behaviours, head nods, verbal utterances (ex: right, uh-huh) to indicate that one is intending and comprehending (or not understanding) messages being received
identifyable variations within all languages which mark the formality or informality of an interaction;
Registry for the Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
the national professional interpreter association and interpreter certifying body of the USA
Repetive Strain Injury (RSI)
a condition resulting from using a particular set of tendons in ones work
Residual Hearing
the ability to hear some degree of some frequencies in spite to partial hearing loss
Resitant to Attempts of Liberation
fear on the part of members on the power group toward any attempts of the oppressed group of equality
the way meaning is created by the use and interrelationship of words, phrases and sentences; precise shades of meaning applied to words/signs in context
Total Communication
original conception defined as using any means necesary to successfully communicate with a deaf child; adopted and redefined by the education system to mean speaking and signing at the same time
Bi-Bi Education
an approach which stresses ASL as the instructional language for all subjects accept English, with an ultimate goal of developing competency in both English and ASL; based on the recognition of deaf people as members of an oppressed minority; accepts ASL as a language and deaf culture as that which encompasses the norms, values, and traditions of this community of people
Cloze Skills
the ability to mentally fill in the blanks when part of an utterance is obscured or when the receiver does not understand a term or phrase
Critical Thinking Skills
the ability to break the whole into its parts to examine in detail to look more deeply into a text and determine its nature by engaging in disciplined reasoning, inferring and deducing in order to extract the message carried below the words/signs or between the lines as well as the information explicitly stated
Adventitious Deafness
to become deaf at some point after birth
refers to emotions or feelings
Cohort Groups
a group of people who, because they were born within a few years of each other, experience many of the same historical and social conditions; people born in the same era are exposed to similar ideas, prevailing assumptions, critical public events, technologies, and popular trends
Communication Competence
situational and depends on cultures, personal history, and relationships of the individuals present
Contextual Environment
communication takes place in this setting. its made up of the physical location and the status of each participant
Crab Theory
if a deaf person has some type of success, members of the deaf community them in joy and celebration of the success for a period of time. However, then that individual has received an adequate amount of attention (it is hard to explain how the group members know when there has been enough), a group begging to change the conversation or to ignore the star if the achiever insists on holding the spotlight group members will begin to make barbed comments and cutting remarks until the individual resumes their place as one of the group
abstract classifiers
classifiers that are smaller than life-size, the shape and movement of which does no necessarily have iconic features
auditory feedback loop
the channel through which hearing people hear (and monitor) their own voice as they speak (alternate term: back-channel feedback)
(db) a unit for expressing the relative intensity of sound on a scale from zero for the average least perceptible sound to about 130 for the average level where sound induces pain
discourse style
the way a language requires that information be presented in a monologue or dialogue
empowerment of the client
behaving in a way that supports anothers right to make decisions within an interpersonal interaction by vesting control in the hands of consumers rather than solely in the hands of the interpreter; avoiding the imposition of ones own opinions, advice, sense of values, or preferred form of communication on others
fear of freedom
a lack of determined action that might lead to true equality and empowerment based on fear and sense of inferiority that “paralyzes” oppressed individuals; this response is common among members of an oppressed group, in spite of their anger about the injustice, discrimination and marginalization they experience
the term used in Canada to refer to people who use french-based communication as compared to English based communication
professional distance
a social, psychological and physical boundary established to insure individuals function within appropriate professional roles; protects both the professional and the client
the rhythm of a language including stress, inflection, intonation, pausing and phrasing that help listeners determine meaning and predict what the speaker will say next
speaker goal
the motivating purpose behind communication; includes a variety of things such as teaching, inspiring, counseling or guiding, teasing, scolding, threatening, clarifying, explaining, requesting, selling and convincing
What is the role of the “off” interpreter?
To be present and attending to the working interpreter, providing any support appropriate to maximize the best interpretation the two of you can construct together.
When and where was RID established?
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf was established in 1964 at Ball State Teachers College
What should an interperter do if a message isn’t being fully iundertnad?
Use your controls and ask for clarification
Contextual Scan
An interpreter needs to be consistently scanning the environment in order to more a variety of contextual factors.
- scanning the visual and auditory environment
- Noting any changes in the participants present
- Noting emotional overlay and reactions.
Sign to Voice
working from signed source language into a spoken target language.
Voice to Sign
working from spoken target language into a signed sourced language
Work settings
refers to external factors as a way of describing ones work; includes the number of clients present, the type. of interaction taking place, the use of turn-taking, volume. of speech/size of signs, etc.
What is debriefing?
The act in which professionals discuss what happened with the client, with themselves, and the dynamics including their own feelings and reactions to what is taking palce.
Support groups
a small group of professional peers committed to confidentiality, growth, and honesty.
port-to-port fees
Some indiviudals “start the clock” from the time they leave their door. to go to the palce of buisniss and. “stop the clock”. when they return home or get to the nex job. This may be done instead of a call-out fee or a two-hour minumum, and is especially effective where distance is involved.
What are the different manners in working as ana interpreter?
- Staff Interpreter
- Contract Interpreter
- Self-employed Practitioner
Multi-Leveled Grammar
The ability of a language to produce more than one lexical item or more than one part of speech simultaneously
Real-world Classifiers
Classifiers that take on life -size proportions and sometimes look a bit like a reduces form of mime when being produced.