Knowledge checker for ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ Scene One Flashcards
Secure basic knowledge
What is the name of the street the Kowalskis live on in New Orleans?
Elysium Street. In Greek mythology Elysium is a place where Greek heros go to when they die.
What sensory language is used in the opening stage directions?
Which two people are on stage at the opening of the play?
“Eunice” and “Colored Women”- Show the white privilege and discarded feelings towards African Americans
What package does Stanley throw up to Stella?
“Meat!” - Represents the predetermined dynamic between Stella and Stanley, he buys the meat and she cooks it.
What is Blanche wearing when she arrives on the scene?
White suit
What do the stage directions compare Blanche’s manner & clothes to?
Blanche took a Streetcar named Desire & then transferred to one called..?
Desire -> Cemeteries -> Elysian fields represents ‘fate’.
What does Blanche look for when Eunice leaves the apartment?
How many rooms does the apartment have (excluding the bathroom)?
Why does Blanche say she left school before the spring term ended?
What does Blanche tell Stella has been lost?
What does Blanche complain she had to deal with alone at Belle Reve?
What item of clothing does Stanley remove when he first meets Blanche?
What does Stanley mention that upsets Blanche?
What motif is established at the end of the scene?