Knowledge Flashcards
WANT Brief
Time for prep
Signal for evacuation
Other pertinent information
ICE Brief
Entry Protocol
What is Exemption 17347
- Provides some relief from the conditional language deteriorating weather restrictions for dispatch.
- Considered weather – main body TAF and conditional remarks.
Always add a second alternate when using 17347.
can’t be used for drift down, t/o alt, outside usa, charter, high mins captain, second alternate.
What is Exemption 17203
Baby captain mins. <100hr PIC on type.
FAR requirement is to add 100’ to the MDA/DA/DH and 1/2SM to the Vis.
Does not apply to alternates but the alternate cannot be less than 300’ and 1SM. So published alternate mins or 300’/1SM which ever is higher.
When conducting CAT 1 ILS, the PIC is exempt from high min requirements.
The PIC that has not served 100hr as PIC in the type of airplane the PIC is operating is authorised to use the LOWEST applicable CAT 1 IAP minimum when the following conditions are met:
Autopilot is used and remains on until DA or Missed approach,
CATI initiation is prohibited when the wx conditions are below 4000 RVR (3/4SM) AND the XW exceeds 15knots with a braking action report of less than good or RWY CC of less than 5.
What is opspec C055
Derived alternate mins. Single approach method, add 400’ and 1SM to the DA,DH,MDA or 1600m. for Dual method, add 200’ & 1/2Sm to the most restrictive ceiling and visibility combination. Each approach must be off a separate navaid.
Does not apply to CAT II.
What is opspec C078
Lower than standard takeoff min.
What defines marginal weather?
When the weather conditions or forecast at the ETA are EQUAL to the lowest authorised mins for the destination and alternate.
Vis at the destination is AT MINS
Vis at the alternate is AT MINS
Ceiling at the alternate is AT MINS
If vis or ceiling are > mins, the conditions are not marginal. When conditions are marginal, an alternate IS required.
basic FAR fuel req
fuel for dep to dest and then to most distant alternate + addition 45min at normal crz consumption. SW may add an extra 15min contingency fuel.
Flight Release information
dep/arrival/intermediate airport
ID number of aircraft
TRIP number(SW number)
What is C052? Reduced landing min opspec.
C052 reduced landing mins.
The cert holder is authorised to use 1800 RVR (CAT 1 ONLY) without TDZ lights and/or RCL provided that the FD, AP and/or HUD are used to the DA/DH.
1800 RVR must be prescribed on the IAP.
How many times can your FDP be extended?
A flight duty period extension of more than 30minutes may only occur once prior to receiving at least 30 consecutive hours free from all duty within the past 168 consecutive hrs.
A FDP extension may not be applied when the FDP cumulative limits will be exceeded.
FDP can be extended an unlimited amount below 30 minutes.
What is C060?
CAT II ops (refer to the table)
LAHSO requirements?
- WX no less than 1000’ & 1SM with PAPI/VASI or 1500’/5SM without,
- NO WS reported in the last 20 minutes,
- Tailwind less than 3 knots on LAHSO runway,
- Stabilised by 1000’ AGL,
- Touchdown must be done within the first 1/3 or 3000’ of the runway (touchdown zone).
- LAHSO lights needed for night LAHSO ops,
- NO MEL items affecting braking,
-Cannot accept clearance below 1000’,
Critical Phase of flight?
Taxi, takeoff
Flight below 10,000’ Unless at cruise,
on descent, below 18,000’
Sterile cockpit.
Reduced separation from 2000’ to 1000’ between RVSM approved aircraft.
Rate of climb limited to 1000FPM with 2000’ and 5NM of other aircraft.
Altimeter tolerances
The difference between the known field height and the height on the altimeters with the local pressure setting set should be within 75’
SIC less than 100hr limitations? The PIC, unless a qualified check airman, must make all Takeoffs and landings in the following conditions
FAA special PIC qual airport or SW special qual airport,
Prevailing vis at or below 3/4SM,
RVR at or below 4000m,
Water, snow, slush etc that will adversely affect braking performance,
Braking action less than good or RCC 5 or less,
XW >15knots
WS is reported
When the PIC deems it not appropriate for the SIC to conduct the TO or landings.
Max XW for SIC?
20knots at 90 degrees.
Pilot operating experience/operating limitations
When the PIC has not served 100hr as PIC in the type they are operating, the MDA/DA and vis in the SkyWest opspec for regular, alternate and refuelling airpots are increased by 100hr and 1/2SM.
The 100hr PIC experience required above may be reduced (not exceeding 50%) by substituting 1 landing in ops under part 121 for 1 hour of flight time in another part 121 type aircraft.
CAT II mins aren’t authorised,
Alternate mins are derived as per opspec, however when conducting an approach to an alternate, the charted MDA/DA/HA and vis are used as long as they are no less than 300’ and 1SM (or charted which ever is higher)
When conducting CAT 1 ILS, the PIC is exempt from high min requirements.
The PIC that has not served 100hr as PIC in the type of airplane the PIC is operating is authorised to use the LOWEST applicable CAT 1 IAP minimum when the following conditions are met:
Autopilot is used and remains on until DA or Missed approach,
CATI initiation is prohibited when the wx conditions are below 4000 RVR (3/4SM) AND the XW exceeds 15knots with a braking action report of less than good or RWY CC of less than 5.
When is an alternate required?
Within an hour before to an hour after the arrival ETA the weather will be less than 2000’ ceiling and less than 3SM vis.
Alaskan airport that do not have more than 1 separate suitable runway,
Destination has no IAP available,
Freezing precipitation in the forecast,
TS or TSRA at the ETA regardless of the intensity,
RCC less than 3,
max XW greater than AC capability
How often do you need to sync your manuals?
Within the preceding 4 days.
What is an IOR?
Irregular operations report. Fill out for any diversion for anything except weather. Must be completed within 24hours.
C075 Circle to land
The 121 operator is authorised to conduct circle to land without training provided the ceiling is at least 1000ft and the vis is at least 3sm or the reported weather is at least equal to the charted circling minimus for the approach whichever is higher.
(not below 1000’ and 3SM)
FDP Limits
60hr in 168hr
190hr in 672hr (28 days)
Flight time limits
100hr in 672hr
1000hr in 365 calendar days