Know This Stuff Flashcards
What is case conceptualization?
A method for understanding and explaining a clients concern for guiding the treatment process
What are the 4 components of case conceptualization?
Diagnostic formulation
Clinical formulation
Cultural formulation
Treatment formulation
What are the interrelated functions when case conceptualization is understood as a clinical strategy?
1.Obtaining and organizing ( Formulating a hypothesis and searching for patterns in behaviour) Obtain and organize information about the client’s presentation and dynamics
2. Explaining - Develop a diagnostic, clinical, and cultural formulation to explain the client’s maladaptive patterns
3. Guiding and focusing treatment. Based on this explanation, a treatment for-
mulation emerges, and strategies for specifying treatment targets and for
focusing and implementing treatment are developed.
4. Anticipate obstacles and challenges throughout therapy stages
5. Prepare for termination, particularly for clients with dependency issues, rejection sensitivity, and abandonment histories.
What are the core conditions necessary for forming a healing relationship?
Warmth, empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness
What is relationship contracting?
Negotiating the intended purpose of the counselling relationship, including agreeing on expected roles of both counsellor and client.
What is sessional contracting?
An agreement between the counsellor and client regarding the topic and expected outcome of an interview or session.
What is anticipatory contracting?
An agreement between counsellors and clients that plans for predictable events. Provides guidance for counsellors and answers the question “ what should I do if” (e.g a relapse occurs)
What is immediacy?
A tool for exploring, evaluating, and deepening counselling relationships
What are directives?
Short statements that provide direction to clients on topics, information and pace ( “tell me more”)
What are simple encouragers
Short phrases and gestures such as “go on, uh, huh” and head nods that encourage clients to continue speaking
What are the 4 phases of counselling?
- Preliminary (Planning, interview planning, file review, preparing interview setting)
- Beginning ( establishing a relationship, evaluating,
- Action ( goal setting, action planning, teaching, providing info, depending the relationship)
- Ending ( referral, evaluating goal achievement, support by providing resources etc.)
What is Catharsis
The emotional release or purging of negative or repressed emotions
What is countering?
A CBT technique/ method used to decrease the internal critical voices that depress performance or create negative emotions
Internal critic
The voice in your head that reproaches and finds fault
The REPLAN system is a treatment planning model that focuses on six common therapeutic factors. What are they?
R- maintaining a strong helper/client relationship
E- Enhancing efficacy and self-esteem
P- practicing new behaviours
L-lowering and raising emotional arousal
A- Activating client expectation, hope, and motivation
N-providing new learning experiences
What is the formula for reflecting feeling?
You felt ______ (emotion) when ______ (event or thought)
Example: You felt frustrated when you couldn’t seem to make him understand
Example: You felt disgusted when you thought about how much time you wasted on him
What is the formula for reflecting meaning?
You felt ______ (emotion) because ________(meaning)
Example: You felt angry with yourself because this was the way you were going to prove to your parents that you were a success
In the stages of change model there are 5 stages, what are they?
Pre contemplation - not thinking about taking action
Contemplation-planning to change within 6 months
Preparation - taken some steps toward change
Action - they have started making specific changes
Maintenance - characterizes individuals who already changed their lives and behaviours