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Promises of Jesus which prove His omnipresence which proves His Deity
To be where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name
To indwell all believers
Only charge for which Jesus was crucified
Claiming to be God
Jesus must be God because He
His name, “Immanuel” means
“God with us”
True view of Christ’s death
The Substitutional View
Why it was Christ who had to die
The Substitutional Sacrifice had to be a MAN who was INNOCENT and INFINITE
The number of prophecies Christ fullfilled
The #1 proof of the Resurrection of Christ
The Empty Tomb
Evidences for the Resurrection
The irrefutable historical fact of the Empty Tomb
The tremendous change in the lives of the disciples
The silence from both the Romans and Pharisees in the face of the resurrection claims
The mass conversions of Jews in Jerusalem
The fact that the Jews and Romans admitted the tomb was empty
The fact that the Jews and Romans never brought out the body to expose the falseness of resurrection claims
Old Testament Sabbath
Commemorated the finished work of creation
Celebrated on Saturday by resting from labors
New Testament Sabbath
Commemorates the finished work of Redemption
Celebrated by resting in the finished work of Christ on the Cross 7 days a week
Saturday Sabbath
Primarily a day of rest
No regular religious services commanded under the Law
Sunday Lord’s Day
Primarily a day of worship
Rest is secondary
Only one of the 10 Commandments which is never repeated in the New Testament
To keep the Sabbath
Most common Greek word for sin and its meaning
To miss a mark