Knee muscles OIA Flashcards
Biceps femoris long head
O: Ischial tuberosity & Sacrotuberous ligament I: lateral side of head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia A: flexes and laterally rotates knee, extends hip ( if hip and knee extended, laterally rotates hip)
Biceps femoris short head
O: linea aspera and lateral supracondylar ridge I: lateral side of head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia A: flexes and laterally rotates knee
O: Iscial tuberosity, may arise from sacrotuberous ligament I: medial condyle of tibia, medial miniscus, oblique politeal ligament A: flexes and medially rotates knee
O: ischial tuberosity I: upper antero-medial shaft of tibia immediately bellow/post to gracilis A: flexes and medially rotates knee, extends hip (if hip and knee extended, medially rotates hip)
O: anterior aspect of lateral condyle of femur, arcuate popliteal ligament, lateral meniscus I: posterior surface of tibia, proximal to soleal line A: in non-weightbearing, medially rotates tibia and flexes knee. In weightbearing, laterally rotates femur and flexes knee
O: inferior body of pubis, ramus of pubis and adjacent inferior ramus of ischium I: upper- antero-medial shaft of tibia immediately inferior/posterior to sartorious A: adducts hip,flexes knee. With knee flexed, assists with medial rotation of tibia
O: ASIS and immediately bellow I: upper antero-medial shaft of tibia A: flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of hip, flexion of knee, and medial rotation of tibia
Gastrocnemius medial head
O: medial condyle and posterior medial popliteal surface of femur I: posterior calcaneus (Achilles) A: plantarflexes ankle and flexes knee
Gastrocnemius lateral head
O: lateral condyle of femur I: posterior calcaneus (Achilles) A: plantarflexes ankle and flexes knee
Tensor fascia latae
O: outer anterior lip of iliac crest and lateral ASIS I: Iliotibial tract on upper part of thigh A: abduction, medial rotation anf flexion of hip (may assist with knee flexion 45-145 degrees, knee extention last 30 degrees and lateral rotation of tibia) helps stabalize pelvis in standing
Rectus femoris anterior head
Vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius