Knee Flashcards
Correct patient ID matched with the request form
Correct anatomical marker located within the primary beam but outside of the region of interest
The entire ROI is visualised from the distal third of the femur to the proximal third of the tibia. Laterally including the skin margins
Positioning (AP)
The tibial spines are central relative to the femoral notch.
The patella is central relative to the femoral notch
1/3 of the head of the fibula is projected behind the tibia
I can see clearly though the femoro-tibial joint
Positioning (Lateral)
The condyles are perfectly superimposed
The patello-femoral joint space is clearly demonstrated
4 cone marks are evident
Exposure (kV)
The kV is adequate as when i window to see the entire ROI, I can see some bony detail through the thickest part of the anatomy. The bony trabeculae are visible throughout the ROI
Exposure (mAs)
The mAs is adequate because when I window to see the whole ROI, I can see no evidence of quantum mottle, or saturation. This is backed up by an s-value near 150
I see no evidence of movement unsharpness
I see no evidence of artefacts in the image. Common artefacts in this region might be clothing (seams or creases) or zips
Anatomical Variants
I see no anatomical variants. more common ones in this region might be presence of a fabella, calcification of arteries.
I see no obvious pathologies. The most common one in this area might be OA (4 signs),
Relate back to the form
The clinical question was “? xxxx”. These images are diagnostic and no repeats are needed