kkk Flashcards
Greek stringed harp instrument
Greek oboe like wind instrument
Doctrine of Ethos
explored how sound effects behavior
Two different types of university curriculum
- Trivium
- grammar -logic -rhetoric
- quadrivium
- math -geometry -astrology -music
3 types of tetra chord
- Diatonic 2. Enharmonic 3. Chromatic
dorian mode was represented by
apollo (good)
phrygian mode was represented by
dionysus (bad)
Who is st. Gregory
powerful chrisitan leader, changed the calendar, created the gregorian chant
What are the offices??
8 services that took place every day, every3 hours. The matin, vespern, and compline contained music
What are the parts of a proper mass?
Introit, Gradual, Allelujah, Tract, Offertory, Communion
What are the parts of an Ordinary mass
kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, agnus dei
missa lecta
no music
What did the requiem mass not have?
gloria, alleluhjah, or credo
1200 covers what kind of music
1220 covers what kind of music
1250-1280 covers what
petronian motet
1320- covers what
isorhyhmic motet
Trecento is similar to the ars nova but in what country?
Roman de Fauvel is
a poem written b genvais du bus, making fun of the kind of france