KKK Flashcards
What was the KKK’s political impact in INDIANA?
- 250,000 members
- 1915 over half of the elected members of General Assembly were KKK members
- Ed Jackson elected 32nd Governor of Indiana from 1925-29
What was the name of the place where the Klan met and who was present?
- Klavern
- Kleagle (recruiter)
- Kludd (chaplain)
Who was the mayor of Oklahoma city and why was he important?
- John calloway “Jack” Walton
Klan led violence reached epidemic in Tulsa - he placed every city under martial law, and later the entire state
Which politician did the KKK destroy the presidential campaign o in 1924 and 1928?
- Al Smith because he was Catholic
How did the Klan retaliate to Walton’s opposition?
- Encouraged Legislature to oust Walton through impeachment, thus ruining his chances of becoming president
What sort of impact did the Klan have in huge cities?
- They had little influence as ethnic diversity was widely accepted
What were the factors that contributed towards the downfall of the Klan?
- David Stephenson raped a girl
- > there was thus a lot of bad press for the Klan, as this behaviour did not represent klan values
- > lost lots of support
- Financial mismanagment
- 1930 power of klan broken at national level though terrorism still existed at a local level
In which states did the KKK help to elect governors?
- Maine
- Ohio
- Colorado
- Lousiana
What percentage of the Klan came from:
- Southwest
- Old Confederacy States
- Midwest
- Pacific Coast
- North Atlantic -New England
- 25% Southwest
- 16% Old Confederacy States
- 8% Midwest
- 6% Pacific Coast
- 3% North Atlantic - New England Region
Which states were popular for the KKK? (40%)
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Louisiana
Which city was the centre of Klan influence?
How much did membership increase by between 1921-29?
- 1921 -> 100,000
- 1924 -> 4,000,000
- 1929 -> 200,000
Which groups of people joined the KKK?
- Farmers
- Shopkeepers
- Police officials
- Politicians
- Lawyers
Who were the main leaders of the Klan?
- Hiram Evans
- DC Stephenson
- William Simmons
- Edgar Young Clark
- Elizabeth Taylor
Who was targeted by the KKK?
- Black Americans
- Jews
- Catholics
- Communists
- Atheists
- Those who worked on Sabbath
- Foreigners
- Bootleggers
- Adulterers
What were the methods of the KKK?
- Tar and Feather
- Lynching
- Beatings
- Burning on cross
- Intimidation
- Branding
- Death
- Whipping
What examples prove the Klan had LITTLE impact?
- Act to Preserve Racial Integrity
- Fitter families
- Miscegenation Laws
- Government restriction of immigration (1917, 21, 24)
- Attack on Black community - killing 8 people
- Attack on Black community - false rape allegation - killing 300+
What was the political impact in GEORGIA?
- 1922 Earl Mayfield elected to senate over two Jewish competitors - had support of klansmen
- Paul. S. Etheridge was Imperial klonsel and chief of staff pf Klan - did not interfere with re-election of Fulton County Board of Commissioners
- Editor of klan newspaper was member of Georgia state legislature
- 1922 Attorney General Clifford Walker elected governer
What was the political impact in ALABAMA?
- Members of klan - Charles C. McCall and Bibb Graves elected Attorney General and Governor
- 15000-18000/32000 - votes for the klan
- klan controlled votes and jobs in Birmingham
- 50,000 paying members of klan (strong)
- 1926 Hugo Black elected to US Senate
What was it called when several klaverns gathered and who was present?
- Klonkave
- Grand Dragon, Grand Goblin + Exalted Cyclops