Kīwaha-Idiomatic Sayings Flashcards
Taua āhua rā anō
Same old - same old
Kei te pai? Āna.
Are you O.K.? Yeah!
Tāua, tāua
That’s us
Ko ‘mea’
When the name of someone has escaped you
Kei tua o tāwauwau
Who knows where? No man’s land
Tapatapahi ana!
Neat! ( of man-made things)
Kia pai mai hoki!
(Waikato) for expressing the good quality of something
Kei whea mai!
(Tairawhiti) for expressing the good quality of something
Tēnā Koa
(Excuse me - passing through)
Tihe! Mauri ora!
(Bless you - after a sneeze)
Aroha mai
Sorry, apologies
He raruraru kei te haere
A problem is looming
Kei raro e puta ana!
Down and out!
Te tikanga ka haere tātou ki whāingaroa
We’re supposed to be going to Raglan
Kua oma te hōiho
It’s too late, the horse has bolted!
Kāore i kō atu I a koutou mō te manaaki manuhiri
Your hospitality can’t be matched
Hei aha!
Don’t let it (a mistake made) worry you
Aua atu!
Similar to Hei aha. Never mind, not to worry
Te mutunga mai o te ūpoko mārō
What a stubborn person
Kua puku te rae
Denotes a person is angry
Tau ana!
Neat! Primo! Choice!
Ka mau Te wehi
Ka wani kē
He autaia a Michael Jordan ki te tākaro pahiketepāoro’
Expresses prowess
Ā tōna wā
At some time in the future