Kīpeha tōrangapū - political figures of speech Flashcards
E kore a muri e hokia
There is no going back
He mana tō te kupu
Words have power
E kore te hūware e hoki ki tō waha
Spit won’t return to your mouth
Tūwhitia te hopo
Eliminate the negative
Mairangatia te angitu
Accentuate the positive
Kia manawa tītī
Have the heart of a sooty shearwater
Kia toka tō manawaora
Protect yourself
Rapua te mea ngaro
Seek what is lost.
Kia kaha tāua
Let’s be staunch
Okea ururoatia!
Fight like a shark
Waiho mā te tangata e mihi
Leave it for someone else to greet you
Kōrero Māori i ngā wā katoa
Speak Māori all the time
Kōrero Māori i ngā wāhi katoa
Speak Māori everywhere
Kōrero Māori mai
Speak to me in Māori
Kōrero Māori atu
Speak to her in Māori
Mātua whakapai i tō marae
Set your house in order first
Ko te taonga a ngā tūpuna
The treasure of the ancestors
I ahatia tō tātou reo?
What happened to our language?
Patua te whakamā.
Don’t be shy
I ako i te reo i hea?
Where did you learn the language?