Kingdom Protista Flashcards
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup Amoebozoa
Genus: amoeba
Different “shells” for radiolarians and formaniferians
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup Excavata
Genus: trypanosoma
Amoebas and pseudopods
Supergroup Amoebazoa
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup Archaeplastida
Genus: volvox
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup SAR
Genus: plasmodium
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup SAR
Genus: foraminiferans
Colonial and photosynthetic
Genus volvox
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Conjugation or fission?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup SAR
Genus: paramecium
Lives inside red blood cell
Genus plasmodium
Coveredin cilia
conjugation / fission
“slipper shaped”
Genus paramecium
Cause red tide
genus: dinoflagellates
Contain daughter colony inside mother colony
Genus volvox
What kingdom?
What Supergroup?
What genus?
Kingdom Protista
Supergroup SAR
Genus: radiolarians
Supergroup Archaeplastida