Kingdom Protista Flashcards
How do kingdom Protista move
Some free float- plankton at base of food chain, some move by cilia or flagella
What are characteristics of the kingdom Protista
Unicellular, microscopic, photosynthetic, autotrophic, some heterotrophic,
Why are animals, plants, and fungi not a kingdom Protista
Because they lack specialized cells and features of the kingdom Protista reason bc they are multicellular
What do kingdom Protista not form
Specialized multicellular reproductive structures
Classifications of kingdom Protista
Paramecium, euglena, amoeba algae-autotrophic(photosynthetic)
Examples of Protists
Amoebas-phylum Rhizopoda, foraminifera-forums, diatoms-phylum bacillariophyta, flagellates, and ciliates.
How do Amoebas-phylum Rhizopoda move?
Using cytoplasmic streaming(ameboid) movement often called pseudopodia “false foot”.
Where do amoebas live?
They live in fresh and salt water
What causes amebic dysentery in amoebas?
Because they are heterotrophic but some parasitic like *Entamoeba histolytica.
How is amebic dysentery characterized(symptoms)?
By bloody diarrhea, fever, something in voules, cramps, and vomiting.
How is amebic dysentery spread?
Through fecal contaminated food and water.
What forms a cyst for surviving poor conditions?
Marine Protists that live in sand or attach to other organisms/rocks.
Foraminifera are marine Protists that resemble A) amoebas B) tiny shells C) rocks D) small stars
B) tiny shells(called tests) containing grains of calcium carbonate
What did the accumulation of these tests on ocean floors create?
Limestone deposites of many rock formations in OHIO.
Diatoms-phylum Bacillariophyta are
Photosynthetic, double shell structure “box/lid”, radical “like a wheel” or bilateral
What do diatoms form?
Diatomaceous earth used in paints, matches, and wax.
Cell wall contains silica
Diatoms-phylum Bacillariophyta
Are Protists that move by means of a whip like structure called a flagellum.
They have 2 flagella, associated with the “red tide”
Red tide
In which powerful toxins are released killing fish by the thousands.
One flagella up to thousands.
What are two important kinds of zoomastigotes-heterotrophs.
The ones that live in gut of termites and digest wood, and those that cause African Sleeping Sickness(trypanosomes)-mosquito transmission
Euglenoids-fresh water
With two flagella, 1000 known species, some have chloroplasts and are autotrophic, some heterotrophic.
What flagellates have light sensitive organelle called an eyespot-reddish?
Euglenoids- fresh water
Have tiny rows of short flagella called cilia used for movement.
Example of a ciliate
How many species of ciliates?
8000 species
How do ciliates obtain and digest food
Through the “oral groove”-a funnel shaped groove through which food travels. The unfolded food forms a food vacuole that is digested.
In ciliates how is water released
Contractile vacuole
Passed through drinking water and contaminated with fecal matter from cattle usually.