Kingdom Of God > Sacraments Flashcards
both a gift and a task
Kingdom of God
already here but not yet fully
Kingdom of God
Israelites understood this as a political state or a specific territory where God is the King
Kingdom of God in the OT
the Kingdom of God was present in His person because of his commitment to God’s saving will
Jesus’ unique vision of the Kingdom
What is the will of God?
ALL people will experience genuine LOVE and CARE
What is God’s Salvation?
the act of freeing people and even the whole societies from suffering and oppression, physical or otherwise
Ideal experience of Salvation
Kingdom of God
“to put aside” “to compare”
short simple stories that illustrate a moral truth or religious teaching
The Kingdom of God starts from the smallest beginnings, but grows to much bigger proportions
Parable of the Mustard Seed - HOPE
parable that encourages us to see beneath what is visible
Parable of the Yeast - TRUST
parable that expresses ‘What or who gives you authentic happiness?’
Parable of the Buried Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price - BELIEVING
parable that shows ‘Judgment Day’
some are kept and some are thrown away
Parable of the Net - DECISION MAKING
For Jesus: God’s Kingdom is a condition —-
in which God is Lord of all
According to the Church: the Kingdom of God is a gift —-
freely given to us
as well as a task
that involves living morally and serving others
that should make a difference in our lives and in the world we live in
Redemptoris Missio 18: The Church is ordered toward the Kingdom of God of which she is the —-
seed, sign and instrument.”
T or F: There is a special place at the table of the Kingdom of God for sinners.
What is a miracle?
Magical Act
Whatever is not normal or usual
Miracle in the Bible
a manifestation of God’s presence and power
Miracle in the NT
Greek words are used to refer to Jesus’ miracles
The miracles of Jesus were acts that made people marvel
Jesus’ acts manifest great power
Jesus ‘works and signs’ reveal Jesus’ glory, purpose, identity, and relationship to his Father
The miracles of Jesus are signs of —-
the Kingdom of God
God’s Kingdom is here, —
Satan’s reign is ending
Jesus gives witness to God’s love and compassion through His —-
The miracles of Jesus reveal His true —-
Jesus is indeed the Son of God and —
the Messiah
Jesus has the power to forgive —-
where God reigns in the hearts, minds and wills of everyone
Kingdom of God
What are the four types of Jesus’ miracles?
Healing Miracles
Nature Miracles
Restoration of Life
Miracles in Everyday Life
God's Ongoing Creation A person's change of heart Modern day miracle workers Social transformation Your own self
comparison drawn from nature or everyday human life
told as a story to embody some moral or religious insight
it also demands concrete response
Characteristics of Jesus’ Parables
Rich in reality
Presence of “Twist”
How do you interpret parables?
Delimit the text
Identify the context
Determine the audience
Look for the main point
means to determine the “boundaries” of a certain parable
Delimit the Text
contextualized stories that are usually Palestine
Identify the Context
determines the interpretation of the parable
Determine the Audience
simplifies matters
usually Jesus’ intended meaning
Look for the Main Point
Types of Parables according to Thomas Zanzig
~ describe the King- his nature, qualities and attitudes in dealing with people
~ emphasize the kind of response needed to enter the Kingdom
~ deal with our relationship with other people
~ refer to the future coming of the Kingdom of God
Good News Themes in the Parables
~ God’s loving mercy is at the heart of the Good News
~ Everyone is called to enter the Kingdom
~ The Kingdom of God demands our repentance
~ The Good News demands persevering response
~ Rejoice and be hopeful
Sacraments of Healing
Anointing of the Sick
priest assigned to a particular military unit
military chaplain
What are the two names commonly associated with the Sacrament of Anointing?
- Sacrament of Extreme Unction
- Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
the practice of anointing with the duly blessed oil
because it can only be given to those who have grave illness and who are at the point of death
Why did the Church encourage to change the name of the Sacrament of Anointing?
the Church wants to take away the notion of death
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is given to the—-
dying elderly those who are facing major surgery those suffering from serious illness people who are mentally disabled
How is it to be sick?
painful powerlessness and limitations uselessness and isolation (esp. those who are terminally sick) ending up blaming Him ANXIETY OF DEATH
eradication of the disease or defect which the medical profession pursues
holistic care that touches the body, soul and spirit
greatest effect of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
remission of sin
effects of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
trust in God is encouraged
strength is given to resist temptations and anxiety of death
if it is God’s will, freedom from sickness
Who can administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
ordained ministers (priest and bishop)
What are the essential elements of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
- laying of hands
- the minister’s prayer
- anointing of the forehead and hands with oil (blessed by the minister)
How many times can we receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
nth times
a satirical poem
What are the different names of the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Sacrament of Penance
Sacrament of Reconciliation
stresses the importance of disclosing our sins while asking for God’s forgiving grace
emphasizes the whole process of conversion, including contrition, repentance and satisfaction
Sacrament of Penance
brings out the inner relationship between being reconciled with God and being reconciled with our neighbor
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Who forgives sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
The Most Holy Trinity
Who instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Jesus Christ
John 20:22
Major parts of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
-Acts of the penitent Contrition/ Repentance Confession Penance/ Satisfaction -Act of the priest-confessor Absolution
heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sins committed
contrition or repentance