King Lear Act 3 Flashcards
Strives in his little world of man to out-storm the to and fro conflicting wind and rain
Kent iii.i (10/11)
From France there comes a power into this scattered kingdom
Gentleman iii.i (30/31)
Thou, all shaking thunder, strike flat the thick rotundity o’th’world
Lear iii.ii (6/7)
Here I stand, your slave, a poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man
Lear iii.ii (19/20)
Servile ministers
Lear iii.ii (21)
I am a man more sinned against than sinning
Lear iii.ii (59)
I have one part in my heart that’s yet sorry for thee
Lear iii.ii (72/73)
There is strange things toward, Edmund
Gloucester iii.iv (19)
The younger rises when the old doth fall
Edmund iii.iii (25)
When the mind’s free the body’s delicate; this tempest in my mind doth from my senses take all feeling else
Lear iii.iv (11/13)
Take physic, Pomp; expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, that thou mayst shake the superflux to them, and show the heavens more just
Lear iii.iv (28/33)
Is man no more than this? unaccommadated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal as thou art
Lear iii.iv (104/110)
Tyrannous night
Gloucester iii.iv (152)
Let them anatomize Regan, see what breeds about her heart. Is there any cause in nature that make these hard hearts?
Lear (75/77)
Who alone suffers, suffers most i’th’mind
Edgar (103)
How light and portable my pain seems now, when that which makes me bend makes the king bow; he childed as I fathered
Edgar (106/107)
We may not pass upon his life without the form of justice, yet our power shall do a court’sy to our wrath
Cornwall iii.vii (24/26)
I am your host; with robbers’ hands my hospitable favours you should not ruffle thus
Gloucester iii.vii (39/41)
O you gods! Kind gods, forgive me that
Gloucester (68/90)
Women will all turn monsters
3rd servant (100)