King Lear Flashcards
Quote for Justice
“As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport.” - Gloucester
Quote for Identity (Lear)
“Come not between the dragon and his wrath” - Lear
Quote for tragic elements
“I have taken too little care of this […] Shake the superflux to them and show the heavens more just” - Lear
Quote for mix of tangible and non-tangible
“Whose frank heart gave you all” - Lear
Quote for identity (Lear)
“while we unburdened crawl toward death” - Lear
Quote for Justice
“Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life but thou no breath at all?” - Lear
Quote for Old vs New/Topsy Turvy
“Younger rises when old doth fall” - Edmund
Quote for animalistic imagery
“Dog-hearted daughters” - Albany
Quote for identity (Lear)
“you whoreson dog, you slave, you cur” - Lear [Strikes him]
Quote for Justice
“Why brand they us with base, baseness, bastardy? Base? Base?” - Edmund
Quote for Old vs New/Topsy Turvy
“Glib and oily art”
Quote for tragic elements
“O my follies! Then Edgar was abused” - Gloucester
Quote for animalistic imagery
“Sharp-toothed unkindness” - Lear
Quote for identity (Lear)
“Here I disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and property of blood.” - Lear
Quote for mix of tangible and non-tangible
“Nothing will come of nothing” - Lear