kinetoplastids - type of protozoa Flashcards
what is a kinetoplastid
a flagellated protozoa which is widespread
what are the three main, distinct kinetoplastids
1) Trypanosoma brucei complex = made up of three species
2) trypanosoma cruzi
3) leishmania
what are the features which allow a kinetoplastid to be distinguished
1) kinetoplast
2) distinct morphological forms which vary in different phases of life cycle
what is a kinetoplast
a region of the mitochondira found near the basal body and flagella but not involved in mobility
- contains DNA meaning cells have two DNA regions, nucleus and kinetoplastid
what are the three morphological forms which a kinetoplastid
1) tryomastigote
- posterior to the nucleus at the posterior end of the parasite
- undulating membrane is the entire length of parasite
2) epimastigote
- kinetoplast more central and anterior to nucleus
- shorter undulating membrane and free flagella
- spherical and lacks flagella
- kinetoplast near nucleus
- replicates by binary fission and is intracellualr stage
what are the three species of kinetoplast of medical importance and make up the trypanosoma complex
1) trypansoma brucei gambinese
2) trypanosoma brucei rhodsiense
3) trypanosoma brucei brucei = only infects ungulates such as cows
outline the distribution of trypanosoma brucei complex species
restricted to equaotrial africa with over 60,000 at risk individuals and around 10,000 new cases but alot more unreported
1) gambinease = west and central africa
2) rhodenisease= east and south africa
3) brucei = widespread
outline the distribution of endemics that have occurred over the years
1) 1886-1906
2) 1920s- controlled by widespread screening and was declared undercontrll
3) surveillance decreased in 1970s causing another endemic
what affects does the trypanosoma brucei brucei have on cattle as well as socio economics
1) wasting disease called nagana
- infects individuals and heards causing them to become weak and unproductive and is fatal
- results in decreased fertility, milk yeilds and growth impacting money made from agriculture
what are some solutions which could help the socioeconomic impacts of trypanosoma brucei brucei
some wild cattle are some what tolerant to disease so last a bit longer but domestic cattle are not
N’Dama Bos Tauras which show a degree of tolerance and though to be selectively breed to increase tolerance
how is the parasite transmitted
vector born disease transmitted by tstes fly which is found in 37 different countries
brucei= cow- cow
gambinese - cow to fly to human
rhodenisase- human - fly to human
outline some characteristics of the vector tstes fly and how it impacts agriculture
- long lived
- produce only 4 offspring a yr
means no mixed farming can occur and land has to be hand cultivated not using cnimals
no manure can be used for fertilisation
what can be used as a diagnostic feature to see if someone has been infected by trypanosoma complex
presence of a chancre which is a red sore produced after being bitten by a tstes fly
what are the different phases after infection by the Africa trypanosomiasis
1) first acute phase= trypanosomes multiple in blood
can cross placenta barrier causing foteal death
2) second neurological phase
parasite crosses blood brain barrier infecting CNS
confusion, loss of coordination, disrupted sleep patterns, coma death
damage irreversable if untreated and 100% fatal
how is African trypanosomiasis treated
1) first phase treated with pentamidine and suramin via intramusuclar injection
2) 2nd phase treated with melarscprol and eflornithine via intravenious injection
what drug does not work against trypanosome brucei rhodesine
what is the gold standard treatment for african trypanomiasis
slow infusion of eflornithine every 12 hrs for 7 days
along with
nifurthimox three times a day for 10 days
only affective for gambinease not rhodensine
if the parasite has crossed blood to brain barrier to drugs cant be delivered what is only treatment
melarsoprol aka mel B
arenic poisioning which is cheap
- only drug which can pass blood to brain barrier
- kills 1-5% of patients
- kill or cure
outline the life cycle of africa trypansomeiasis
1) tstes fly takes blood meal injecting trypomastigotes into host
2) enter blood and multiple by binary fission in fluids
3) 2nd tstes fly takes blood meal injesting trypomastigotes
3) tyrpomastigotes enter mid gut and transform into procyclic trypomastigotes which replicate by binary fission
4) leave the midgut and transform to epimastigotes
5) enter salivary glands and transform back to trypomastigotes
why havnt species evolved to tolerate tryponasome brucei species
extra cellular parasite with 100s of VSG protein genes so is able to change surface proteins to avoid recognition by host immunity