Kines lab Ch 1 - kinematics and introduction to kinetics Flashcards
displacement = motion (of a segment without regard to the forces that cause that movement)
the change in position over time
set of concepts that allows us to describe the displacement
which are the 5 kinematics variables that fully describe the motions or displacement of a segment
1- TYPE of displacement 2-LOCATION in space 3-DIRECTION of the displacement 4- MAGNITUDE of the displacement 5- the rate of change of displacement ( VELOCITY) or the rate of change of velocity (ACCELERATION)
name 2 types of displacement that can be attributed to any rigid segment
translatory and rotary motions
what are general motions
are achieved by combining translatory and rotary motions
translatory motions = linear displacement
represents the movement of a segment in a straight line
Movement of a segment around a fixed axis ( COR) in a curved path
general motion
it happens to non-segmented objects when they are moved through a combination of rotation and translation
curviliniar (plane or planar motion)
is a type of general motion, which combines the motions of translation and rotation of a segment in 2 dimensions (parallel to a plane with a maximum of 3 degrees of freedom); the axis about which the segment moves is not fixed , but rather shifts in space and is called the instantaneous center of rotation (ICoR) or instantaneous axis of rotation ( IaR)
three dimensional motion
is also a general motion, in which the segment moves along all 3 dimensions; and it occurs over a helical axis of motion (HaM) or screw axis motion
CoM = center of mass of human body is
the origin of x axis(runs side to side in the body=coronal axis), y-axis ( runs up/down in the body and is labeled as vertical axis) and z-axis ( which runs front to back and is labeled AP axis or anteroposterior axis)
how can motion of a segment occur?
1- either AROUND an axis = rotation
2- or Along an axis = translation
=> 6 potential motions for that segment
degrees of freedom
the options for movement of a segment; an unconstrained segment always has 6 degrees of freedom
cardinal planes
rotation of a body segment occur around 1 of possible 3 axis + but also moving parallel or in to in of the 3 cardinal planes
as a segment ROTATES around an axis is
1 - segment also moves in a plane that is perpendicular to that axis of rotation
2- parallel to another axis
Ex: if a segment moves around the x-axis = coronal axis, than the segment is also moves in a plane that is perpendicular to the x-axis=coronal axis, and that would be the sag ital plane and secondly the segment would be parallel to another axis = AP axis in our example.
rotation of a segment on the y-axis = vertical axis = long or longitudinal axis occurs in which plane ?
in the transverse plane, because this is the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation (Y-axis)
transverse plane motions are
mostly visualised as motions of a segment parallel to the ground (M/L rotation of the LE at hip joint
rotation of a body segment on the z-axis or AP axis occurs in the
frontal plane. Ex. of frontal plane motions include side-to-side motions of the segment like abd-adduction at the glenohumeral joint
Movement around x - axis ( coronal axis)
sagital plane: flex/extension
movement around y - axis ( vertical axis)
transverse plane or horizontal plane; rotation
movement around z axis ( anteroposterior)
frontal plane : abd./add
flex/ext (direction of displacement)
generally occur in the same plane ( iniaxial; uniplanar) SaGITTAL plane around Coronal Axis
exception to flex/exten in other planes than sagital plane and coronal axis
carpometacarpal flexion of thumb + extension of the thumb
abd/add of a segment occur around
Anteroposterior axis and and frontal plane,
exceptions of AP axis and frontal plane for abd/add are:
carpometacarpal abd/add of thumb
lateral flexion
is when the moving segment is part of the midline of the body
M/L rotation
occur around a vertical (longitudinal) axis on a transverse plane
360 degrees =
6.28 radians
ration of an arc to the radius of its circle
1 radian =
57.3 degrees
1 degrees =
0.01745 radian
frontal axis ( transverse axis,coronal axis) is perpendicular on which plane
sagittal plane (bisects the body into L-R halves); motions in this sagital plane include: flexion -extension
sagittal axis is perpendicular on which plane
frontal plane (bisects the body into front-back halves): Motions include; abduction-adduction
longitudinal axis (vertical axis) is perpendicular on which plane
transverse plane (bisects the body into top-bottom halves); Motions: internal rotation-external rotation
movement in a plane occurs around the
perpendicular axis running in that plane