kierkegaard set text Flashcards
preface - analogy and doubt
uses analogy of clearance sale in describing philosophy
people are so consumed by doubt that they discard ideas very quickly
this includes the idea of faith
they all try and go further than doubt – where do they think they are going?
Descartes used doubt, but ‘was no doubter in matters of faith’ (41)
But D did not impose his method on others – his philosophy was personal and did not impose the idea of doubt on others
Looks at opposite of faith: doubt
Personal nature of D’s philosophy key – K emphasises the individual and the first person
prologue - understanding faith
‘even if one were to render the whole of the content of faith into conceptual form, it would not follow that one had grasped faith’ (43)
- he does not try and conceptualise others’ minds as the Hegelian does
‘the present author is no philosopher, he is poetice et eleganter…he writes because for him doing so is a luxury’ (43)
- he is an anti-philosopher, not trying to be objective
- criticising Hegel’s hierarchy of reason over faith
- not being modest but disassociating himself from the philosophers of his day
- Hegelians have failed to understand what it means to have faith
attunement - number 1
Abraham poses as an idolater so Isaac doesn’t lose faith in God
- ‘Unlike Johannes’ ‘real’ Abraham – who as we shall see believes paradoxically on ‘the strength of the absurd’ that he will ‘get Isaac back’, and in this life, not merely in an afterlife – the Abraham of this first narrative is unequivocally resigned to having to kill Isaac. The matter for him, therefore, becomes one of how he can do so with the least damage possible to Isaac’s ‘soul’’ (Lippitt, p.23)
Link to theme of silence and concealment
See Problema III where A significantly does not conceal where he is leading Isaac
attunement - number 2
Abraham does not sacrifice Isaac and loses joy in his life
He sacrifices the ram instead of Isaac
‘Abraham became old, he could not forget that God had demanded this of him. Isaac throve as before; but Abraham’s eye was darkened, he saw joy no more’ (46)
motif of youth is used in next section, where A and Sarah are ‘young enough to wish’ for son
attunement - number 3
Abraham questions whether it is a sin for him to sacrifice that which he loves most – asks for forgiveness for contemplating killing his son
‘he begged God to forgive his sin at having been willing to sacrifice Isaac, at the father’s having forgotten his duty to his son’ (47)
he ‘found no peace. He could not comprehend that it was a sin to have been willing to sacrifice to God the best he owned…if it was a sin, if he had not so loved Isaac, then he could not understand that it could be forgiven; for what sin was more terrible’ (47)
concern = nature of ethics
should universalise one should not kill innocent son. Conflict of ethics
attunement - number 4
Isaac sees Abraham getting ready to sacrifice him and loses his faith.
‘as he turned away Isaac saw that Abraham’s left hand was clenched in anguish, that a shudder went through his body – but Abraham drew the knife…Isaac had lost his faith’ (47)
theme of silence – but in this case, Isaac becomes silent
‘never a word in the whole world was spoken of this, and Isaac told no one what he had seen’
speech in praise of Abraham - A abandonment of the universal
‘he left behind his worldly understanding and took with him his faith’ (50)
faith drove A to abandon earthly reasoning/the universal
he gave up everything but his faith
speech in praise of Abraham - A lack of doubt
‘But Abraham had faith, and had faith for this life’ (53)
he could have used eschatological hope as crutch
but his faith must be in this world
‘But Abraham had faith and did not doubt. He believed the absurd. If Abraham had doubted – then he would have done something…great and glorious’ (54)
- anaphoric repetition of ‘but Abraham had faith’ in three consecutive paragraphs
- he could have killed himself but then he would simply be a tragic hero, not the founder of faith
- ‘It…seems possible that the reason Johannes views this as less admirable is that it amounts to attempting to negotiate with God’ (lippitt, p.32)
problemata, preamble from the heart - anguish from son
whilst Abraham’s greatness comes in part from his sacrifice of his ‘best’, a poor man could equally be great through sacrificing all he had.
What distinguishes Abraham ‘is the anguish; for while I am under no obligation to money, to a son the father has the highest and most sacred of obligations’ (58)
People miss the horrific aspect of the story – the fear and trembling that results from facing the burden
Cannot think and speak about the story, you need to live it
problemata, preamble from the heart - potential misunderstanding of story
Abraham story could be misunderstood
- E.g. if a priest did a sermon on it and someone took it seriously
‘the comic and the tragic converge on each other here in absolute infinity. The priest’s speech was no doubt laughable enough in itself, but became infinitely more so in its consequence’ (59)
- if sinner went and killed son he would be ‘executed or sent to the madhouse’
- people would forget that the priest actually preached Abraham’s exemplarity
- priests etc. leave out the anguish in the story
problemata, preamble from the heart - ethical contradiction
Only Abraham can commit the act and everyone else is a sinner?
However, ‘if faith cannot make it into a holy deed to murder one’s own son, then let the judgment fall on Abraham as on anyone else’ (60)
Contradiction is that ethically, A was willing to murder, religiously, A was willing to sacrifice – ‘in this contradiction lies the very anguish that can indeed make one sleepless’ (60)
Someone can easily imitate the ethical side and murder their son
What makes A different is his faith
Divine love sanctified by a terrible act = sustainable. Transient love is not
problemata, preamble from the heart - dig at Hegel
- says that Abraham in comparison to Hegel is infinitely harder to understand
Hegel’s difficulty lies in the fact that he isn’t clear - Abraham’s is in the ‘monstrous paradox that is the content of Abraham’s life’ (62)
- Views it as ‘dishonest of philosophy to offer something else instead and to slight faith. Philosophy cannot and should not give us an account of faith’ (63)
- Slating Hegel
- ‘what he and the Hegelian have in common is that neither of them inhabits the form of life of what the Hegelian might call ‘mere’ faith. Where they differ is that whereas the Hegelian thinks he has got ‘beyond’ faith, Johannes admits that the form of life he – Johannes – occupies is ‘lower’ than that out of faith’ (39)
problemata, preamble from the heart - speaker’s own lack of faith
Speaker acknowledges that ‘my courage is not of faith and not at all to be compared with it. I cannot close my eyes and hurl myself trustingly into the absurd, for me it is impossible…I am convinced that God is love…but I do not have faith; this courage I lack’ (63)
- Acknowledges that if he had obeyed God out of love and had sacrificed his son, he would be unable to find rest in himself afterwards
problemata, preamble from the heart - strength of the absurd
- With A, ‘all along he had faith, he believed that God would not demand Isaac of him, while still he was willing to offer him…he believed on the strength of the absurd…for all human calculation had long since been suspended’ (65)
- ‘the movement of faith must be made continually on the strength of the absurd…I for my part can indeed describe the movements of faith, but I cannot perform them’ (67)
difference between knight of faith and knight of infinite resignation
‘the knights of infinite resignation are readily recognisable, their gait is gilding…but those who bear the jewel of faith can easily disappoint, for their exterior bears a remarkable similarity to what infinite resignation itself as much as faith scorns, namely the bourgeois philistine’ (67)
- dig at Hegel??