Kidneys unit one Flashcards
Lab value for serum creatinine and what kind of test is it?
What is creatinine
How does it compare to BUN
What do different levels mean?
0.6-1.3mg/dl blood test
A waste product from mm and protein. It is not reabsorbed in the kidneys and is there for a reliable indicator of kidney function.
It is more accurate than BUN
Increase=inflammation or infection, kidney damage
BUN level and what type of test
What is BUN
What are the non renal factors that can increase it-7
10-20mg/dl Blood
Blood urea nitrogen
Infections, GI bleeds, Trauma, Athletic activity, mm breakdown, dehydration, steroids.
What is GFR normal value and what kind of test?
What does it say about kidney function?
How accurate is it?
> 90ml/min It is based on creatinine, age, sex, and race and it estimates the GFR.
If it is decreased then we have decreased kidney function
It is very accurate because it measures GFR and that is the best indicator of kidney function.
Creatinine clearance normal value and what kind of test?
How does the test work?
What about accuracy?
24 hour urine test that compares serum creatinine to creatinine in urine. It approximates GFR most accurate indicator of kidney function but
It takes time
What is most common cause
What is most common cause of death?
Acute tubular necrosis
What is Azotemia?
Accumulation of nitrogenous waste (Urea nitrogen Creatinine) in blood. AKI
What are the types of AKI with examples
prerenal- From lack of blood flow
Intrarenal-From damage to the kidneys
Postrenal- From blockage below the kidneys
What is parenchyma
soft tissue of the kidneys
Prerenal AKI
What is oliguria from?
What is happening in the kidney?
What do we treat?
What can it lead to?
Decreased volume of blood not damage to parenchyma
Because of low BP kidneys are trying to raise BP by saving NA+ and H2O RAAS
Fix cause and hydrate
Intrarenal AKI
Drugs that are hard on the kidneys 9
Aminoglycocides-(CIN), Antibiotics, Contrast, NSAIDS, ACE inhibitors (pril) Hemoglobin and myoglobin- from damaged cells. Metformin, Dig, Opioids.
What is the most common cause of intrarenal AKI
Acute tubular nephrosis from sepsis or nephrotoxins most common
others-Major surg, hypovolemia, shock, blood transfusion, mm injury
What other things can cause AKI besides drugs?
Glomerular nephrosis, systemic lupis erythmatosus
Intrarenal AKI
one manifestation
Yes-if basement membranes are still intact
Casts in urine
What are urinary casts?
Clumps of cells and blood cells found in urine when kidneys are not working.
Post Renal AKI Common causes
One complication
BPH, Prostate cancer, cancer, Stones, trauma, tumors.
Bilateral urine obstruction leads to dilation (hydronephrosis)
If relieved in 48 hours or less=total recovery if prolonged-Tubular atrophy and irreversible fibrosis.
Remove obstruction
What are the stages of AKI 4
Initiation, Oliguric, Diuretic, recovery
RIsk SC increases X1.5 or GFR Dec by 25% UOP-<0.5ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
Injury SC up X2 or GFR Down by 50% uop <0.5ml/kg//hr for 12 hours
Failure SC up X3 or >4mg/dl with acute rise of >/= 0.5 or GFR down by 75%
UP- <0.3 ml/kg/hr for 24 hours or anuria for 12 hours
Loss- Persistant acute kidney fail complete loss of function >4 weeks UOP same as fail
End- Complete loss of kidney function > 3months
Value for oliguric
What defines oliguric stage value
When does it happen-3
How long does it last
A reduction of urine output of less than 400ml a day. Usually happens within 1-7 days of injury but if ischemia is present than 24 hours. If from drugs it might be a week.
10-14 days up to months
Longer=poor prognosis
Oliguric phase in prerenal looks like
Low perfusion to the kidneys activates RAAS- Na+ and H2O retention =Low urine Na+ and High Specific gravity.
Describe Oliguric phase in Intrarenral
Damage to the kidneys makes Na+ spill out so increase Na+ and fixed specific gravity. Urine will have WBC, RBC, casts and prot in urine if their is glom dysfunction.
Relationship between K+ and acidosis
Hydrogen ions will push K+ out and cause more hyperk+
What are nitrogenous wastes?
From prots- Ammonia,urea, uric acid, creatinine.
Describe diuretic phase of AKI
One thing
How long
Two more things
UOP- 1-3 lt sometimes 5 or more. It is from osmotic diuresis from high urea concentration. Kidneys can excrete waste but cant concentrate it. Can last 1-3 weeks. BUN and creatine start to stabilize.
Recovery phase of AKI
starts when?
What does recovery look like 4
Starts when GFR starts to increase and BUN and c start to decrease Major improvement in first 1-2 weeks. Full recovery can take 2 months.
Older adults less likely to recover, can progress to CKD
What are the diagnostics for AKI
Urine output and creatinine can be late (50% kid loss) but are diagnostic
Urine-Cells, cats, prots for intra renal
Renal Biopsy
Care for AKI 10
eliminate cause-drugs dose blockage
Nutrtion-add cal increase carbs decrease fat and prot
Possible restrictions in electrolytes
loop diuretics- zides
fluids-replace what was lost- Daily output plus 600m
Dialysis- can help with hyperk+
Weights, IO,
Prevent infection
Skin checks
mouth care
drug for AKI
drugs tx for Hyperk
Loops-lasix zides, manitol, Na+ bicarb
Ca+ gluconate
Kayexalate- If these fail or there are neuro s/s dialyze
Glomerulonephritis path history
Inflammation of the glomerulus bl kidneys can be chronic or acute can cause Vascular scarring. can be sudden, temporary, or reversible chronic is slow and leads to irreversible renal failure
Infections, drugs, problems with immune system and disease
causes of glomerulonephritis
Diabetic neuropathy, HTN, goodpasture syndrome, Immunogloba ne. scleroderma, systemic lupus erthematosus, Infective carditis, post strep, virusus, pollyarth,