Kidney and Liver Function Tests Flashcards
Functions of the urinary system
- excretion and elimination (removal of organic waste products from body fluids such as urea, creatinine and uric acid: terminal prods of metabolism)
- homeostatic regulation (water, electrolyte, acid-base balance)
- endocrine function (kidney hormone production)
What are some hormones produced by kidneys
- renin
- erythropoietin
- 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3
- Prostaglandins
Main function of kidney (multifunctional)
storage of liquids by concentration of urine
Urine excreted daily in adults is
about 1.5 L (kidney is only 1% of total body weight)
Renal blood flow accounts for what % of cardiac output
plasma renal flow: 600 ml/min/1.73 meter squared
Two processes involved in renal blood flow
ultrafiltration (GFR): 180 L/day
Reabsorption (>99% of amount filtered gets reabsorbed)
functional units of kidney
(600,000-1.5 million)
*decrease in functioning nephrons =impaired kidney function
number of nephrons an individual is born with which may determine that individual’s susceptibility to renal injury
nephron dose
Parts of the nephron
- Glomerulus
- Distal tubule
- Proximal tubule
- Collecting duct
- Loop of Henle
What is formed when collecting ducts ultimately combine? This is where urine collects before passing along the ureter and into the bladder
renal calyces
Where does transport of solutes and water occur?
across and between the epithelial cells that line the renal tubules
Kinds of transport observed in nephrons
active and passive
*many passive transport are dependent upon active ie sodium transport
mediator of filtration which is formed from a specialized capillary network (capillary endothelial cells are ~40 nm thick)
Purpose of circular fenestrations/pores with diameters of ~60 nmn in glomerulus endothelium
Permits virtually free access of plasma solutes to the basement membrane
What is the renal threshold for glucose?
180 mg/dL
What is renal threshold?
Blood concentration of a substance that when surpassed, is excreted in urine
[Renal threshold]
What is tubular maximum?
maximum capacity of the kidneys to absorb a particular substance
*Tm for Glucose = 350 mg/min
What is the pre-renal cause of kidney functional disorder?
pre-renal: decreased intravascular volume
What is the renal cause of kidney functional disorder?
acute tubular necrosis
What is the post-renal cause of kidney functional disorder?
ureteral obstruction
What are the terminal products of hemoglobin catabolism?
Hormone metabolites excreted from bloodstream
*other substances: organic acid, drugs, food additives
Other mechanisms of excretory function of kidneys
- Regulation of blood pressure, circulating volume, and water balance by urine concentration
- Regulation of electrolytes by excretion and resorption
- Maintenance of blood pH in a physiological range by eliminating radical acids, reabsorbing and forming bases
[Homeostatic regulation]
What hormone regulates maintenance of water balance
antidiuretic hormone
[Homeostatic regulation] ADH in maintenance of water balance responds primarily to changes in?
osmolality and intravascular volume
secreted from posterior pituitary
[Homeostatic regulation] What happens when ADH increases permeability of DCT and collecting ducts of water?
Results in increased water reabsorption and excretion of more concentrated urine
[Homeostatic regulation] What do the renal tubules do in states of dehydration?
reabsorb water at their maximal rate resulting in production of a small amount of maximally concentrated urine
[Homeostatic regulation]
When do renal tubules reabsorb water at only a minimal rate?
in states of water excess resulting in excretion of large volume of extremely dilute urine
hormonal factors affecting regulation of electrolyte concentration
*together with neurogenic stimuli
ADH (through detection of osmotic and mechanical stimuli) Aldosterone Natriuretic peptides (sodium urinary removal requires h2o removal)
How does aldosterone affect electrolyte concentration?
*triggered by decreased blood flow or blood pressure in renal arteriole and decreased plasma sodium
sodium reabsorption and excretion of potassium and hydrogen
[homeostatic regulation: electrolyte concentration]
Thirst sensation causes
osmolality variation by 2%
- increase in thirst = HYPERtonic ECF = lower ICF
- decrease in thirst = HYPOtonic ECF = higher ICF
[homeostatic regulation]
two mechanisms performed by kidney in maintaining blood pH
tubular reabsorption of filter HCO3
removal of H+ ions produced daily
Urinary pH
4.5-5.0 (0.04 mol/L)
[homeostatic regulation: maintenance of blood pH] 99% of H+ ions are discarded by
urinary buffer
[H2PO4 > H+ + HPO42-]
Other homeostatic roles of kidneys
- Government of calcium phosphorus metabolism by secretion and reabsorbing.
- Regulation of the production of red blood cells.
The secretory function of kidneys involve hormones such as
- erythropoietin (regulates RBC prod in BM);
- renin (regulates BP; key part of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system);
- calcitriol (for calcium reabsorption and bone mineralization; active form of vit. D);
- prostaglandins (PGE1, PGE2, thromboxane)
Major renal functions which together, regulate and maintain constant optimal composition of the blood and intracellular fluids
® Glomerular filtration
® Tubular reabsorption (peritubular capillaries)
® Tubular secretion
UE= filtration - reabsorption + secretion
[Secretory function]
Each nephron produces this amount of ultrafiltrate per day
100 μL
*170-200L of ultrafiltrate passes through glomeruli daily
[Secretory function] What determines the initial mass on which the nephron must operate to produce and excrete urine?
Bulk transfer of substances from blood to glomerular filtrate
Laboratory tests and renal functionality studies
• urinary index • Serum creatinine and creatinine clearance Estimated GFR (eGFR) • Proteinuria and diagnosis • Cistatin C detection • Electrolytes • Laboratory and AKI evaluation
In urine tests*, small, randomly collected urine samples is examined through its:
- Physical: color, odor, appearance, and concentration specific gravity
- Chemical: protein, glucose, and pH
- Microscopic: Cellular elements (RBCs, WBCs, and epithelial cells), Bacteria, Crystals, Casts (structures formed by the deposit of protein, cells, and other substances in the kidneys’ tubules)
[Urine tests] Additional test for water balance in ECF and plasma
[Urine tests] Additional test for solute regulation (sodium, glucose, urea)
specific gravity and osmolality
[Urine tests] Additional test for blood acidity/ alkalinity balance
[Urine tests] Creatinine is used to asses what?
glomerular filtration capacity
[Urine tests] Solute clearance is used to assess what?
glomerular filtration RATE
[Urine tests] These tests are used to assess filtration and/or reabsorption
urine proteins
urine albumin
[Urine tests] test for presence of RBC
presence of cystatin C in plasma indicates
presence of bence-jones in urine ????
[Urine tests]
Urine 24 hours volume is useful in evaluating
glomerular filtration and tubular functionality
*normal adult range = 800-2000ml/day (normal fluid intake = 2L/day)
Adequate homeostasis is maintained with a urine output of
Reduced urine volume is caused by
not enough fluid intake
some types of chronic kidney disease
increased urine volume is caused by
high fluid intake
some forms of kidney disease
use of diuretic medications
[Abnormal results in urine tests] Anuria or no passage of urine or production of <100 ml per day is often caused by
• Total obstruction of urinary tract
- E.g. prostatic hyperplasia and tumors
• Heart failure or severe hypotension
- E.g. renal ischemia (acute tubular necrosis)
• Glomerular nephritis (acute, subacute, chronic)
• Hemolytic reaction caused by blood transfusion
[Abnormal results in urine tests] Oliguria or low output of urine may be due to
no water intake, Prolonged vomit, diarrhea, sweating, ascites, aedema, hypoperfusion, AKI (acute kidney injury), uremic terminal phase of CKD (chronic kidney disease), glomerulonephritis (Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Kidney tubular necrosis- CRI)
[Abnormal results in urine tests] Polyuria with increased azotemia (BUN) and creatinine is due to:
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
* Kidney tubular necrosis (chronic renal insufficiency)
[Abnormal results in urine tests] Polyuria with normal azotemia (BUN) and creatinine is due to:
- Polydipsia
- Extreme protein uptake
- Caffeine and alcohol
- Diuretic medication
- Diabetes mellitus e insipidus
- Deficit Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH; vasopressin)
T or f: Urea is freely filtered from glomerulus and reabsorbed in a variable manner by proximal tubules
*not useful GFR marker; good for detection of tissue lesions and cellular damaging (burns) and monitoring renal functionality
T or F: urea increases earlier than creatinine and decreases quickly
*high values in acute renal insufficiency and terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency
Why is there an increase in serum BUn in azotemia (20-40 mg/dL of BUN)
Kidney is not able to discard nitrogen metabolism’s degradation products
Pre-renal uremia is usually caused by
outside kidney (upstream of glomerular filtration) such as reduced renal perfusion (shock, dehydration, hemorrhage) and increased protein catabolism (alimentary canal bleeding, burns and fever)
Post-renal uremia is usually caused by
consequence of urinary tract obstruction; ureter; bladder and urethra
Uremia caused by injury to glomerulus, affecting either renal microcirculation or renal tubules
intra-renal uremia
*also by: Acute or chronic diseases: glomerular nephritis, malignant hypertension, cortical necrosis, drugs or metal nephrotoxicity, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, tubulopathy
Compares the density of urine (number and size of particles dissolved) to the density of water (SG=1000)
Urine specific gravity tests
usual reference values for adult and child in urine specific gravity tests
adults (1005-1020)
child (1001-1018)
methods of urine specific gravity tests
densimeter, dipsticks (colorimetric reaction), referactometer
urine concentration index (urine to plasma ratio of creatinine concentration) is determined by
sodium chloride
When SG is <1005
Increased urine volume in hyposthenuria is due to
- Insufficiency or absence of ADH
- Pyelonephritis (may progress to chronic kidney disease)
- Diabetes insipidus
*decreased urine volume: glomerulonephritis
Hypersthenuria or SG > 1020 is due to
- Diabetes mellitus (increased urine volume)
- Nephrosis
- ADH increases (decreased urine volume)
- Heart diseases
- Toxemia during pregnancy
- Dehydration
Dynamic tests
Glomerular filtration rate
[CKD-EPI (for screening; higher precision)], renal clearance, Creatinine
[Dynamic tests] When is GFR* equal to the clearance rate?
*volume per time; best index in both patients and healthy subjects
when any solute is freely filtered and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the kidneys
(urine concentrationxurine flow/plasma concentration)
e-GFR: the MDRD simplified equation
e-GFR = 175 × SCr
^ -1.154 × Age^-0.203 × 1.212(if black) × 0.742(if female)
Indirect method of GFR assessment
Estimation by anthropometric, anthropological,
and biochemical parameters
*simple and advantageous; questionable accuracy
Direct method/clearance study of GFR measures
exogenous substances (inulin, iohexol, iotamatus, Cr51-EDA) endogenous substances (creatinine)
Advantages and disadvantages of direct method
accurate, expensive, long-lasting and inapplicable for screening (exo)
blood and urine samples are necessary and careful and timed urine collection is required (endo)
GFR level classified as normal in CKD-EPI test
> 60ml/min/1.73m
*see eqn in trans
• Renal Damage Severity Assessment based on GFR
*same values for KDQI
- Normal Kidney function: GFR >90 mL/min/1.73m2 haematuria and proteinuria detected
- Mildly reduced: GFR 60–89 mL/min/1.73m2
- Moderately reduced: GFR 30–59 mL/min/1.73m2
- Severely reduced: GFR 15–29 mL/min/1.73m2
- Very severe or end stage kidney failure: GFR absent (requires dialysis)
CKD stages or renal disease staging is based on
measured or estimated GFR
amount of liquid filtered out of the blood that gets processed by the kidneys or the amount of blood cleaned per
time typically recorded in units of volume per time
(renal) clearance
- Urine concentration x collected urine volume / ([plasma creatinine] x time taken to collect urine specimen in minutes)
- ideal marker of clearance
Why is renal clearance considered ideal marker?
® Endogenous and constant bio-synthesis
® Metabolically quiescent in vivo and in vitro
® Diffusible in the extracellular space
® Freely filtered by glomerulus
® Not reabsorbed nor synthesized by tubular cells
® Detectable with accurate and sensitive simple methods
® Advantageous cost/ benefit relation
® Simply used in clinical practice
interval refence values for males and females for creatinine*
*more accurate marker of kidney function than urea
® Male: 0.6–1.3 mg/dL
® Female: 0.5–1.0 mg/dL
T or F: Kidney discards creatinine with a low efficiency
false, great
T or F: creatinine binds proteins and is water-soluble
false, does not bind protein, water-soluble
methods of analysis of creatinine
jaffe method, enzymatic method, reference methods (gas chrom, mass spectro and HPLC)
What can interfere in jaffe method?
Proteins, bilirubin, uric, and pyruvic acids and some drugs
Restrictions of Creatinine Detection
• Not an early marker of renal functionality loss
• Increase is not related to severity of damage
• Not sensitive enough to little but significant glomerular filtration
rate reduction
• High inter-individual variability: muscle mass, sex, ethnicity, age
Factors which facilitate filtration
• Semipermeable glomerular basement membrane, which has a molecular weight cutoff of < 70kDa
(Water, electrolytes, glucose, amino acids, low-molecularweight
proteins, urea, and creatinine, pass freely through the basement membrane and enter the PCT)
*Other blood constituents, such as albumin, many plasma proteins, cellular elements, and protein-bound substances such as lipids and bilirubin are too large to be filtered
• Molecular configuration
• Negatively charged basement membrane which repels neg molecules such as proteins
Proteinuria in renal diseases causes
plasmatic oncotic pressure reduction leading to edema
Protein loss from glomerular membranes/ Proteinuria is caused by:
*normal values: 50-150 mg per 24 hrs (adults)
- Electric charges alteration
* Intracellular pores changing (ø 5-8 nm)
Physiological loss of protein
• Albuminuria: < 30 mg/24 h
• On-the-spot testing: <19 mg/L
(10-20% is represented by albuminuria)
• Glomerular damage: proteinuria >1gr/L about 70% is represented by albuminuria
Indicators and classification of renal proteinuria
• Selective glomerular proteinuria (glomerulonephritis): M.W. 60-80 KD (1-3 gr/24h)
• Non-selective glomerular proteinuria (nephrotic): M.W. > 100 KD (>3,5 gr/24 h) and Immunoglobulins
• Tubular Proteinuria: M.W. <50 KD (<2 gr/24 h)
• Diabetic nephropathy:
albuminuria >1 gr/24h
Type of protein involved in selective glomerular protenuria
albumin and transferrin
Type of protein involved in nephrotic proteinuria
Type of protein involved in tubular proteinuria
Retinol Binding Protein
diabetic proteinuria
albumin type of protein present
laboratory request for proteinuria serves as
basal investigation (urine total proteins for monitoring of CRI and urine albumin wc is more sensitive and accurate)
lab request for proteinuria also serves as differential diagnosis of
tubular or glomerular proteinuria (useful in detecting β2-microglobulin and cystatin C)
A specific increase in β2-microglobulin* and cystatin C means?
*need for excluding lymphocytes diseases; plasmatic detection required
proximal tubule reabsorption failure
Risk factors present/needed for performing proteinuria assay
- GFR <60/ml/min/1.73m2 (moderate stage)
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disorders: myocardial ischemia, chronic cardiac damages, peripheral and cerebral vascular insufficiency
- Stones, prostatic hypertrophy
- Opportunistic haematuria
Low molecular weight protein, it is synthesized by nuclear cells, released in the blood and freely filtered by glomerulus in urines
Plasmatic cistatin c
- not dependent from extrinsic factors
- interferences if increase in PCR, BMI, steroids, hypothyroidism
When is Plasmatic Cistatin C a better marker in predicting renal function than creatinine?
Chronic Renal insufficiency
Other names for neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
lipocalin-2 and oncogene 24p3 (human protein encoded by LCN2 gene)
*expressed by multiple human cells ie epithelial cells, neutrophils and organ systems
Role of lipocalin-2
- natural immunity protein with antibacterial properties
- may be involved in kidney development
- implicated in renal generation and repair after ischemic injury
- protective effect on kidney from ischemia-reperfusion injury
- effects link role in iron metabolism in growth and differentiation as well as prevention of cellular death
Major positive ions/cations in ECF are
Na+ > K+, Mg2+, Ca2+
most important negative ions (anions) are
Cl– and HCO3–
Electrolytes concentration in ECF and ICF can affect:
- Metabolic process
- Osmotic Status
- Hydration and pH
major cation in fluid outside of cells; with osmotic activity
- freely filtered then reabsorbed by PT
- normal range for serum: 135-153 mEq/L
- normal range for urine: 40-220 mEq/L
- hyponatremia (prevalent electrolyte disorders)
T or F: the decreasing rate of sodium is directly proportional to symptoms severity
*Moderate psychic changing, asthenia, nausea, muscular cramps, Severe neurological anomalies (disorientation, confusional
status, coma, convulsions)
normal ranges for serum and urine potassium
serum: 3.5-5.3 mEq/L
urine: 10-20 mmol
Some considerations in potassium
- K+ is not reabsorbed by kidney (descending loop of Henle)
- K+ serum levels change with pH
This is associated with decreasing potassium
chronic alkalosis
*diuretic therapy, vomiting and excess laxatives
Kidney function test for following renal function over time
Serum creatinine
Kidney function test for checking adequacy of urine collection
creatinine index
KFT for assessing GFR, volume status, and protein intake
KFT best estimate for GFR
creatinine clearance
Liver is the primary site for
xenobiotic detoxification (drug and toxin metabolism)
Other things occuring in liver
ureagenesis (for acid-base balance), protein synthesis, bile secretion, intermediary metabolism processes (gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, ketogenesis, lipid synthesis)
Liver functional test to indicate hepatocellular integrity
AST and ALT: more liver-specific (transaminases)
LFT for assessing protein synthesis in liver
plasma transport protein
LFT to test conjugated* and unconjugated bilirubin** for anion transport?
Total bilirubin
- directly measured, polar, water-soluble, found in plasma, unbound or free, reacts with diazotized sulfanilic acid without an accelerator
- *calculated (indirect). non-polar, water insoluble, found in plasma bound to albumin, with accelerator
LFT reflecting protein synthetic function by measuring integrity of extrinsic pathway of coagulation
prothrombin time
LFT which measures bile flow and isoenzymes
*ref range varies with age
sensitive indicator of liver disorder and cholestasis
*Induced by many drugs and toxins e.g. C2H5OH, phenytoin, barbiturates, statins
Delta fraction of total bilirubin is
conjugated bilirubin bound to albumin and observed in hepatic obstructions
Specimen and collection storage for Bilirubin tests
- Serum or plasma preferred
- Temperature sensitive
- Fasting sample preferred (Lipemia increases bilirubin concentrations)
- No hemolysis (Hemolysis decreases the reaction of bilirubin with the diazo reagent)
- Light sensitive (Bilirubin levels decrease by 30-50% per hour)
methods of bilirubin analysis
*see ref ranges in trans
- Jendrassik-Grof (for total and conjugate bilirubin; azobilirubin produced from bilirubin pigments in serum reacting with diazo reagent)
- Urine Bilirubin (indicates conjugated hyperbilirubinemia; uses urine dipsticks with diazo reagent embedded; use fresh urine)
accelerator used for jendrassik-grof
caffeine benzoate wc accelerates coupling of bilirubin with diazo reagent
- ascorbic acid stops rxn
- alkaline tartrate converts purple azobilirubin to a blue azobilirubin (measured at 600 nm)
Advantages of jendrassik-grof
Not affected by pH changes
Maintains optical sensitivity at low bilirubin concentrations
Insensitive to high protein concentrations
Indicated by jaundice evident with bilirubin levels 35-70 μmol/L
Sources of unconjugated bilirubin (pre-hepatic hyperbilirubinemia)
resolving hematoma
gilbert’s syndrome*
crigler-najjar syndrome
*in 5% of popn.; males>females, genetic, exacerbated by fasting and illness
Sources of conjugated bilirubin (hepatic/post-hepatic hyperbilirubinemia)
*bilirubinuria present
•Hepatocellular diseases
•Cholestatic diseases
•Benign congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
(Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor’s syndrome
Presence of gilbert’s syndrome rules these out
hemolysis FBC, reticulocyte count and underlying liver disease
causes of neonatal jaundice
kemicterus (brain damage due to uptake of unconjugated bilirubin) ugh pagod na si acoe see trans
This is the end product of bilirubin metabolism which is excreted in feces, some reabsorbed and returned to liver
- increased in hemolytic disease, and defective liver cell funciton
- decreased in biliary obstruction and carcinoma
In determining urobilinogen, ehrlich’s rxn is used whrein
p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde (Ehrlich’s reagent) produces red color
*Performed on fresh urine
• Reference Range: 0.1–1.0 Ehrilch units in two hours
Significant enzymes released in liver damage which differentiate between functional or mechanical causes of disease
GGT (elevated in biliary obstruction and in chronic alcoholism)
5’nucleotidase (elevated in HBD)
LDH (nonspecific marker of cellular injury)
*rise rapidly in most liver diseases; stay elevated for 2-6 weeks, highest in hepa, hepa ischemia and drug/toxin induced necrosis
This enzyme differentiates hepatobiliary disease from bone disease
Phosphatases (ALP)
Other LFT elevated in liver disease
Prothrombin time
serum ammonia (used for hepa encephalopathy, lacks sensitivity and specificity, and investigation of urea cycle disorders)
Glucose/Galactose tolerance (liver’s ability to metabolize carbs)
Hepatocellular pattern in LFT shows elevation of
AST/ALt (see causes)
Cholestatic pattern in LFT shows elevation of
ALP with GGT +/- bilirubin
see causes
Hepatitis A markers
performed by serological antibodies (IgM = acute infxn, 3-6 mos; IgG= lifelong immunity)
Hep B marker in onset of sy,ptoms
Hep B marker found in acute infxn
Hep B marker found in acute and chronic infxns.
Methods used for Hep C testing
- nAnti-HCV detection by EIA
Quantitative nucleic acid (Screening)= positive = exposure to HCV, no diff bet current vs past infxn - PCR for HCV RNA (Confirmatory)
What happens in paracetamol overdose?
hepatic necrosis within 36-72 hrs due to accumulation of breakdown product NAPQI
Effective agent in diagnosis and treatment of paracetamol overdose
Primary syndromes of iron overload
hereditary hemochromatosis
(autosomal recessive, mutations in HFE gene (C282Y, H63D), 93% assoc with homozygosity of C282Y, 6% with bothe hfe genes, 1% no mutation id)
Secondary syndromes of iron overload
- Non-hereditary hemochromatosis cirrhosis
- Ineffective erythropoiesis (Sideroblastic anemia and Thalassemia)
- Multiple transfusions
- Bantu siderosis
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
autosomal recessive disease in copper poisoning
wilson’s disease
*mutation in ATP7B (Cu transportin P type ATPase)
clinical presentation of copper poisoning/wilson’s disease
(Children and adults usually <40 years)
• CNS: extrapyramidal system, Kayser-Fleisher rings in cornea
• Liver: fatty liver, cirrhosis, acute fulminant hepatic failure
• Kidney, haemolytic anaemia
Diagnosis of wilson’s disease
low plasma ceruloplasmin
increased urinary copper excretion (via Penicillamine Challenge Test)
Liver biopsy (measure copper content)
see cases
see cases