Kidnapping Definitions and need to knows Flashcards
Victim physically removed from one place to another.
Detaining is an active concept rather than a passive one, involves doing something to place a constraint on a person.
CA61 does not define a minimum time a person has to be detained for it to be defined as detained. Mere delay or trifling may not constitute detaining
Person conscious and voluntary agreement to something proposed by another.
Conveyed by conduct words or both.
CONSENT must be full, voluntary, free and informed given by someone in a position to form a rational judgement.
Offender decieves the victim by a misrepresentation of the facts or intentions
R v wellard guy posed as a police officer
R v cort guy stopped at bus stops and offered people a lift saying bus broke down.
Is when a victim acquiesce to a offenders demands based on fear of consequences
Critical question is whether the threats pressure or else is such to destroy the reality of consent and overbears the will of the victim.
connection effected by the introduction into the genitalia or anus of one person, otherwise than for genuine medical purposes, of—
a part of the body of another person; or
an object held or manipulated by another person; or
connection between the mouth or tongue of one person and a part of another person’s genitalia or anus; or
the continuation of connection of a kind described in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b)
What MUST BE PROVED BY CROWN in kidnapping/abduction
Defendant was took away or detained
Taking or detention was intentional
Taking or detention was unlawful
Taking or detention was without that persons consent (or with consent by fraud or duress)
The defendant intended to
HOLD THE person for ransom/servcice
Cause to be confined / imprisoned
Cause to be sent out or taken out of nz
sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a person held captive.
Means to keep the victim as a servant or slave.
Means to restrict a person’s movements to within a geographical area. Wider meaning includes curtailing activity and exercising control and influence
To cause suggests that the kidnapper must intend to be responsible for the victim being confined; it is not necessary for him to directly affect the confinement himself.
Means to put them in prison or to confine them as if in prison, has a narrower meaning then confine. May apply when a person is locked in a room or in the boot of a car.
To cause to be sent out of NZ
Sent may include situations where the victim leaves under their own accord as a result of threat or duress.
To cause to be taken out of NZ
Taken suggests that the victim is in the company or custody of a person accompanying them out of NZ
young person
means person under 16
For a convictions under s210(1) ca
Crown must prove
Defendant took enticed or detained a person under 16
The taking enticement or detention was intentional
The taking enticement or detention was from as person who had lawful custody of the young person
The taking enticement or was unlawful
It was done with intent to deprive a parent or person who has lawful care of that YP.
For a convictions under s210(2) ca
The defendant received a person under 16
Receiving was intentional
Defendant knew the yp had been unlawfully taken
The defendant intended by reason of receiving to deprive a parent guardian or other person having lawful care or possession.
210(2) broadens scope to people who receive a yp with intent to deprive the person who has lawful possession.
Who can commit these 210 offences?
A parent may commit an offence against these sections in respect of their own child when their actions contravene a court order.
This is not an offence under the heading of crimes against the people but it is against the custodial rights of the parent/guardian.
Also protects the rights of those having temporary lawful possession.
Intent in S210 offences
Depriving a parent of possession may not be the offender’s primary intention however if they know their actions will inevitably cause the outcome, therefore depriving said to be intentional.
In r v chartrand a 43 yr old male enticed a child to a riverbank where he took photos of the boy he argued that he had no intention to deprive possession of the child. But take photos as a surprise for the parents he didn’t know.
Court held it doesn’t matter if an innocent motivation or intended to interfere for a very short time is irrelevant.
To entice means to tempt or persuade, or attract by hope or desire.
May be situations where a stranger tempts away a child with sweets or contrary to a parenting order.
For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2),—
it is immaterial whether the young person consents, or is taken or goes or is received at his or her own suggestion; and
it is immaterial whether the offender believes the young person to be of or over the age of 16.
RECEIVING (in terms of young person)
Knowing a person has been unlawfully taken
Father takes child contrary to order and stashes child at grandparents they may be liable if they know the child is contrary to order.
Receiving physical custody several people could jointly receive a person.
For the purposes of sections 208 and 209, a person under the age of 16 years cannot consent to being taken away or detained.
Presumption of incapability S127 CA
There is no presumption of law that a person is incapable of sexual connection because of her age.
Statutory good faith defense
a person who claims in good faith to the possession of a young person under the age of 16 cannot be convicted of an offence under 209/210 CA because he or she gets possession
-Where a defence under 210A arises prosecution must negate claim of right beyond reasonable doubt.
-The question for the jury will not be whether the defendant in law was entitled to possession of the young person.
-This point is being covered by the element unlawfully.
-The question will be whether it is shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not believe in good faith that he was entitled to possession