K.I 1.1.1: To what extent is urbanisation a global phenomenon? Flashcards
Across the world
Across a country such as Burkina Faso
Across a wide area or region such as East Anglia or Yatenga Province
The process by which an increasing proportion of people are living in urban areas (sometimes referred to as the physical and human growth of towns and cities)
Rural to urban migration*
The movement of people from the countryside to towns and cities to live
Natural increase*
A population increase due to there being more births than deaths
Push factor*
Reasons that force people to move away from their existing home
Pull factor*
Reasons that attract migrants to move to a new home
The recent trend in the growth of the population of inner urban areas. This is usually seen in some cities in HICs which previously declined and now had some form of urban renewal
Urban areas that have a population of more than 10 million people
Global cities*
Cities that are well connected by the process of globalisation. They may be important transport hubs with major airports and ports. The headquarters of MNCs are usually located there. Their existence is due to the processes of interdependence and globalisation that link the world together
Multi-national corporations - large businesses such as Sony, Microsoft and McDonalds, who have branches in several countries. They are sometimes called trans-national corporations
The basic structures and service needed by any society such as water supplies, sewage systems, roads or bridges
The degree to which an individual or an area is lacking services and amenities, for example there could be overcrowded housing, inadequate diet, inadequate income and a lack of employment opportunities
The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies
Buying, selling or exchanging goods and services within a country of between countries
The way in which a country or organisation is run
Transport hubs
A place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between vehicles or between transport modes. They include train stations, rapid transit stations, bus stops, tram stop, airports and ferry slips
To do with patterns of behaviour shared by a society or group of people, e.g. their food, language, clothing, music, art and religion
To do with people, especially their wellbeing, health, education, happiness
To do with money