Khrushchev's Economic, Industrial, Social and Scientific Reforms Flashcards
5 points
What reforms did Khrushchev make to industry?
- In 1957 he broke up the central ministires and allocated their responsibilities to 105 regional councils called Sovnarkhozy.
- Booseted sectors Stalin overlooked, e.g. oil, chemicals and gas.
- Placed a greater emphasis on the production of consumer goods.
- Placed a greater emphasis on power stations.
- In 1959, the party laid out a 7 year plan which was more realistic than the 5 year plans of the 1930s.
4 points
What was Khrushchev’s idea for the new regional councils, and how effective were they?
- He wanted these to be supervised more closely by the republic and district party committees.
- He wanted them to avoid waste and coordinate different branches of production more effectively.
- However, all they did was add an extra layer of beaurocracy.
- A new Supreme Council was set up in Moscow to coordinate this, however once Khrushchev was removed from power, much of his new structures were immediatly removed.
3 points
Evidence that Khrushchev’s industiral reforms were a success.
- Soviet economy grew 10% per year (3x America’s growth) between 1955-1960.
- Gross national product (GNP) grew by 60% by 1965, industrial imput was up by 85% and consumer good were also up by 60%.
- Coal – 391 m tons (1955) to 578 (1965), Electricity – 170 billion kWh (1955) to 507 (1965), Tractors – 314,000 to 804,000, TV sets – 495,000 to 3,655,000, Fridges – 151,000 – 1,675,000, Retail trade – 50.2 m roubles to 104.8m.
5 points
How did Khrushchev’s reforms improve living standards?
- Minimum wage was introduced in 1956, although many workers earned considerably more.
- Average household income grew 3% per year between 1960-65.
- Diet improved - less reliant on bread and potatoes.
- Things like books and public transport much cheaper than in the west. By 1966, 50% of all households had a TV and washing machine.
- Increase in housing, with free heating.
2 points
What improvements did Khrushchev make to public transport?
- Diesel trains added to Russian railways and many miles of tracks were electrified.
- New lines opened into Virgin Lands to transport grain and agricultural produce.
4 points
Evidence to show that Khrushchev’s reforms to living conditions wer failures.
- Priority with new housing was quantity over quality, many of the new apartments lacked running water or lifts. They were called Khrushcheby, a pun on Khrushchev’s name meaning slum.
- Whilst many families in the west began buying cars, these remained a perk of the few in the USSR.
- Some items like clothing and footwhere remained very expensive.
- Turnover of workers in factories peaked at 1/5th of the workforce - there were financial deals struck to keep workers there even though this was illegal.
5 points
What breakthroughs did the USSR make in space under Khrushchev?
- 1957 - Sputnik I launched into orbit.
- Later, Sputnik II put the first living creature in Space (Laika), to celebrate 40th anniversary of the revolution.
- 1959 - USSR landed a red flag on the moon, and later in same mission took photos of dark side of the moon.
- After a successful test of bring two dogs back safely to earth, the first man Yuri Gagarin, was sent into space in April 1961.
- Valentina Tereshkova became first woman in space.
What was one criticism of the space program?
It took a lot of investment of rare resources and money, which could have gone to smaller projects to help citizens.