keywords week 1 Flashcards
atomic bomb
nuclear weapons, one used in ww2 by use against Japan but a constant threat in the Cold War
Berlin airlift
operation in 1948-49 using aircraft to transport supplies to west Belin which had been cut off by the USSR
Berlin blockade
action by ussr to cut road, rail and canal links between west Belin and the re st of Germany. Aim was to force USA and allies to withdraw from West Berlin
political, social and economics system centred on democracy and individual freedoms such as free speech, political. beliefs and freedom to do business
organisation to spread communist ideas and also make sure communist states followed ideas of communism practiced in the ussr
political, economic and social system involving state control of economy and less emphasis on individual rights than capitalism
political system in which population votes for its government in elections held on a regular basis
system in which one person runs a country
iron curtain
term used by Churchill in 1946 to describe separation of eastern and Western Europe into communist and non communist blocs
policy in the use in the 1920s which argued use should not get involved with international disputes
marshall aid
program of us economic aid to Western Europe from 1947-51. Aim was to aid economic recovery but also to prevent more states becoming communist
marshall plan
plan behind Marshall aid. although it was an economic program it was also political. Some commentators argued it was an economic form of imperialism designed to allow the use to dominate Western Europe
North Atlantic treaty organisation
potsdam confrence
conference held in August 1945 between president. Truman Stalin and Churchill