Keywords - Mass Transport Flashcards
Cardiac output
total vol. of blood heart can pump per minute ->
vol of blood pumped each beat (stroke volume) * number of beats per min (heart rate)
Cohesion-tension theory
H2O mols form H bonds between them so stick together (cohesion)
Column of cohesive H2O mols. pulled up xylem puts xylem under tension (negative pressure)
Coronary arteries
arteries that supply blood to cardiac muscle of the heart
globular protein (4 polypeptides around iron-containing haem group) in blood that readily combines w/ O2 to transport it around the body
Positive cooperativity
Binding of 1st O2 mol to 1 of 4 binding sites on Hb mol makes binding of the second easier etc.
apparatus used to measure rate of H2O uptake from a plant shoot under different env. conditions
stages of cardiac cycle in which heart muscle contracts (systole) and relaxes (diastole)
Tissue fluid
fluid surrounding cells of body, similar to blood plasma but lacks proteins -> supplies nutrients to cells and removes waste products
process by which sucrose + some mineral ions transported from one part of a plant to another
Evaporation of water from a plant