Keywords Flashcards
Industrial revolution
The change from industry organised largely through small workshops of craft works to a system based on factory production using machines
Marx’s ideas
Karl Marxs idea that he industrial workers should seize power from the people who owned factories, businesses and land.
New economic policy
The policy introduced in 1921 to restore the economy after the civil war.
A term used by Karl Marc to denote the industrial workers, a new class that had emerged as a result of the industrial revolution.
The owners of factories, industries and shops which are those who own the means of production.
Dictatorship of the proletariat
A government that rules on behalf of the working class.
Constituent assembly
A prominent elected by the people of Russia.
Those opposed to the bolsheviks during the civil war of 1918-20.
The bolsheviks and their supporters.
Trade union
An organisation that represented workers interests according to trade.
Factory committee
A small group that represented workers within a particular factory and often contained workers of different trades but who were based in the same workplace.
The civil service (administrators) who administer government policies.
Nomenklatura system
A system of appointing people to jobs from a list approved by the Party Leadership.
The initials of the union of soviet socialist republicsX the official name of the area controlled by the community’s party. Also referred to as the Soviet Union.
The all union state political administration (briefly known as the GPU) and the Cheka.
Russian term for cleansing. Usually applied to the purges of party members by Lenin.
Black marketeer
Those who sold goods illegally, often at inflated prices.
Right opposition
Those in the Communist party who wished to see the continuation of the NEP rather than Stalin’s forced industrialisation of the USSR under the first five year plan.
Socialism in one country
Stalin’s policy of modernisation through industrialisation by utilising the resources of the Soviet Union.
The great purge
The term used to describe the wave of terror that Stalin and his supporters used to remove enemies.
Left opposition
Those in the Party who had supported the call for permanent revolution in the 1920s.
Show trial
Public trials of leaving enemies of the state. They were often filmed so they could be used as propaganda.
A group of peasants who owned their own farm usually a small holding .
God plan
The state planning authority, an organisation that was run by the Communist party. It planned the industrialisation of the USSR under he five year plans.