Keywords Flashcards
What is advertising?
Communication with customer or potential customers through specific media
What is adverse variance?
This is when the actual profit is lower than budgeted/ actual cost is higher than budgeted
What are assessment centres?
Where a recruiting firm runs a series of extended selection procedures, each lasting one or two days or sometimes longer
What is automation?
The replacement of workers with machines to perform task in production
What is the Boston Matrix?
A model which analyses the product portfolio of a business into four categories (stars, cash cows, problem children and dogs)
What is branding?
The use of a trade name, symbol, logo or other device to differentiate a product or service
What is a budget?
A budget is a financial plan that a business uses in order to ensure that spending of cash is geared towards achieving the aims of the business.
What is a B2B?
This involves the selling of products or service to another firm. Usually having informative advertisement.
What is capacity utilisation?
This is the proportion of total capacity that is used, usually expressed as a percentage
What is communication?
This is the process of exchanging information or ideas between individuals or groups.
What is competition?
These are the businesses that compete against each other for market dominance
What is competitiveness?
The ability of a business to offer a better product than competitors(as measured by customers
What is cost reduction?
Actions taken by a business aimed at reducing total costs, or lowering average unit costs
What are customer expectations?
What customers expect to receive as a result of buying a good or service; influenced by perceptions of factors such as quality and price
What is customer service?
The ways in which a business meets the needs and wants of its customers
What is delegation?
This is where responsibility for carrying out a task or role is passed onto someone else in the business.
What is direct selling?
This is a method of distribution which involves a business transacting with a customer without the use of intermediaries
What are distribution channels?
This is the path a product takes to get from the producer to the final customer usually passing through at least one intermediary stage.
What is empowerment?
Delegating power to employees so that they can make their own decisions
What is external recruitment?
This is where candidates for a job vacancy come from outside the organisation
What is factoring?
This is a source of finance where a business receives a proportion of the amount owned by trade debtors from a specialist finance-provider
What is favourable variance?
This is when a business has made an improvement in a given period of time usually by generating more actual profit than budgeting or reducing actual cost than budgeted.
What is flexible working?
This is where a business uses a number of different working practices in order to suit the job in hand and the needs of employees
What is a hierarchy?
This is the structure and number of layers of management and supervision in an organisation
What is induction training?
This is training aimed at introducing new employees to a business and it’s procedures
What is internal recruitment?
This is where candidates for a job vacancy come from within the organisation
What is an interview?
This is a part of recruitment process where a candidate is met face to face
What is a job description?
This is a summary of the main duties and responsibilities of a job
What is a job design?
This is the way in which tasks are combined to form a job
What is job enlargement?
This giving employees more tasks of a similar level of complexity. Job enlargement expands the number of tasks completed by an employee
What is labour productivity?
This is the output produced per employee over a given time period
What is a loss leader?
This is when an organisation deliberately lower their price below the cost of production in order to entice customers into entering the shop. These types of organisations tend to use massive promotion to increase customer awareness of their really low price.
What is market research?
This is the process of planning, collecting, and analysing data relevant to help make marketing decisions.
What is a marketing mix?
This is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives. Commonly taken to comprise product, price, promotion and place