Keywords Flashcards
Examples of Democratic Countries
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Examples of Non-democratic Countries
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
What is Direct Democracy ?
-First created Ancient Greece in 500BC
-Idea:should be no distinction between government
What is Indirect/Representative democracy?
-Where citizens elect politicians to make decisions for them
-We Place our democratic power in the hands of elected professional politicians who represent us
-Elections 4-5 years which bales us to remove them
-UK:650 MPs in the House of Common
What is Elective Dictatorship?
-(created by Lord Hailsham in 1976)
-When governments with small majorities don’t reflect wide enough support in the country
What is Voter Apathy?
It is when turnout is low at elections , as people don’t care who wins
What is Democratic Deficit?
A gap between the elected and the electorate , as people feel like they are not being represented
What is constitutional reform ?
Some people call for this to make our political system more democratic
-E.g. Removal of Monarch
What is a Pluralist society?
-Many aspects of democracy and power
-The UK is a pluralist democracy which means that political power and influence is widely distributed, beyond parliament and the government
-Lord Hailsham disagrees with plural society
What is a Trade Union ?
-An organisation made up of members who are mainly workers
-Strikes are a weapon of a trade union
-Represent one industry of workers
-Thet will negotiate with the government
What is a ‘Think Tank’?
-Originated in WW2
-A body of experts created with a deliberate political purpose or ideology learning to investigate and offer solutions to economic, social or political issues
-Their work and ideas reflect their intention
-Different from a pressure group as they have an inside political link and can make an educated answer for politics
What is a Citizen ?
-A person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being born there or because of being given rights .
-They also share legal duties to that county (eg tax)
What is an uncodified constitution?
-The UK is an Uncodified constitution
-Aloows for laws to adapt and change as it’s not written in one single document (eg the US)
What are Lobbyists ?
Meetings or discussions behind doors with government .
Paid by clients to try and influence government
What is a boycott ?
When you don’t buy into a product or business out of protest to express disapproval or anger