keywords Flashcards
Behaviour that is morally right. In Christianity Jesus was seen as good.
Behaviour that is extremely immoral or wrong. In Islam the devil is seen as evil.
Accepting when someone has done wrong and not seeking revenge. In Christianity, God will forgive those who follow Jesus.
Free will
The ability of humans to make their own choices in life. God gave Adam and Eve free will and they chose to eat the forbidden fruit.
Fairness; where everyone has equal opportunity in life and gets what they deserve. MLK fought for justice and equality.
Guidelines that tell us what actions are right and wrong. Humans are different from animals as we have a sense of morality.
The belief that war and violence is wrong. Many Christians believe war is wrong.
A persons moral sense of right and wrong, Some religious people believe conscience is inner guidance from God.
Pain caused by injury, illness or loss. It can be physical or emotional. Muslims believe our sins can be forgiven through suffering.
Selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. Agape moved God to send his only son for the world’s redemption.
The belief that Jesus’ death and ressurection healed the rift between humans and God.
Divine command theory
The belief that something is right because God commands it. Christians follow the ten commandments as they were set by God in the Bible.
Holy Spirit
Part of the holy trinity. Christians believe it is present as the power of God at work in the world.
‘Made flesh’ - the Christian belief that God was made human in the form of Jesus.
Inter-faith dialogue
Different faith communities coming together to understand each other and serve the community with mutual respect. The interfaith network promotes understanding between people of different faiths.
The anointed one sent by God to be humanity’s saviour. Christians believe this person to be Jesus.
God’s all loving and infinitely good nature.
God’s all powerful and unlimited nature.
The all knowing nature of God
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion, conquering death. It is commemorated annually on Easter Sunday.
The three persons of God: god the father, son and Holy Spirit.
The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Roman Catholics think that abortion is immoral.
Afterlife definition
Life after death. Christians believe that after we die our soul lives in the afterlife in either heaven or hell.
Environmental responsibility
Humans should look after the world so future generations can enjoy it. Christians believe that we bear an environmental responsibility as God made us stewards.
Killing a person as it is decided death is the best option. Roman Catholics do not allow euthanasia as God said ‘do not kill’.
The process by which living creatures have developed and adapted over time on Earth. Many Christian’s disagree with the theory of evolution as the bible says humans were made on the sixth day of creation.
Quality of life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable. Muslims believe that Allah tests us with suffering and poor quality of life.
A Muslim call to prayer. The adhan is raised 5 times a day from mosques.
A record of the sayings and practices of the prophet Muhammad. The hadith is the second source of authority after the Qur’an in Islam.
Private and spontaneous prayer. In du’ah Muslims ask Allah for his forgiveness or help.
Actions or things that are permitted in Islam. Halal diets do not permit alcohol.
Charity given voluntarily to please God. The prophet would give saddaqah throughout the year but increase it during Ramadan.
Obligatory ritual prayer that Muslims perform 5 times a day. Salat is one of the five pillars of Islam.
Declaration of faith in Allah and the Prophet. The shahadah is the first pillar of Islam.
Belief in the oneness of God. Muslims believe in Tawid as it is stated in the Shahadah.
Fasting from dawn until dusk during Ramadan. Sawm is one of the five pillars of Islam.
Idolatory or polytheism. Shirk is an unforgivable sin in Islam.
Obligation to donate a certain proportion of wealth each year to charity. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam.