keywords Flashcards
“Strings attached” when refering to women’s financial support
A woman’s financial support may depend on her commitment and willingness to do more than she is required to do.
“Co-independence” when referring to resources and decision making
Couple pools money for common activities and run their own separate personal accounts.
Social construct
Idea or opinion that is created and defined by society.
“Domestic Violence” according to Home Office 2013 definition
Incidents or pattern of controlling, or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between partners or family members over the age of 16
Adults becoming more like children.
Adults becoming more like children.
Reconstituted family
Joining of two adults via marriage, cohabitation or civil partnership who have children from previous relationships.
A thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage or skill.
Holding to traditional values and attitudes, cautious about change or innovation. Typically in politics or religion.
Extended Leadership Network
The communication and links between ‘leaders’ of the extended family.
Faithfulness to a person, cause or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
Ideological apparatus
A place or thing used to portray and make people accept certain views e.g. capitalism
The development of industry on an extensive scale
Connection by blood, marriage or adoptions; family relationship
Maternal instinct
What it is and a few examples
Bond that forms between mother and her child. Loving, caring and protecting are part of the maternal instinct.